Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I would love to know what breeds laid the larger brown eggs???

I am not satisfied with the size of my EE eggs and am looking to add one or two who lay large brown eggs to have eggs for baking. :)

My larger brown eggs come from either my 2 RIR's, or my Plymouth Rocks. I have both barred, and whites. My Wyandotte's lay a light pink/cream egg. Not sure if my Austrolorp is laying yet, or what color it will be.
In this bird, what is the likely cross that created her do you think? I have a 10 week pullet like her except mine has those barred brown feather throughout the body. Her head and neck is just the same.


I am sorry to say that I can't help with your question, but how did you get your chickens to work out in the gym? Mine are lazy!

This little cutie is 5 weeks old, and was hatched from a pretty blue egg sent bt BYC's own Kara. She herself suggested I post her/him in this thread, so here you go.

Girl? Boy? I dunno. In real life s/he seems pretty girly-shaped, but that comb . . . ? Agh!

Slatts, I wish I knew what breed was used to get the barred feathers. I purchased the eggs from Gabbard Farms. The three pics are from her Ameraurcana/EE. I am hoping for hens. The comb is a small pea. VERY friendly birds. I can pick them up or when cleaning up after them they fly on me. All three hatched from a blue egg. I am waiting for my hubby to finish the addition to the existing coop that is why they are in my sun room.
I love you, Sunflower. I do SO hope it's a hen.


And yes: as I understand it, this chick is the result of a pure white EE roo over a wheaten or blue wheaten Ameracauna hen. S/he has gray rather than green legs, and does look pretty Ameracauna-ish in real life.

picked up these 9 week old chicks today, was told they were Ameracaunas and will lay a green egg, and all pullets as the lady had one deffinate cockeral, whats the thoughts on these i'm really hoping they are all pullets, and what kind of comb does the chick in the front have?
heres another pic

picked up these 9 week old chicks today, was told they were Ameracaunas and will lay a green egg, and all pullets as the lady had one deffinate cockeral, whats the thoughts on these i'm really hoping they are all pullets, and what kind of comb does the chick in the front have?
heres another pic

I am thinking the whiter one looks awfully rooish? And possibly the one in the back of the first pic?

picked up these 9 week old chicks today, was told they were Ameracaunas and will lay a green egg, and all pullets as the lady had one deffinate cockeral, whats the thoughts on these i'm really hoping they are all pullets, and what kind of comb does the chick in the front have?
heres another pic
The chick in the back in the top picture is definitely a boy. It has a roo stance and black markings on the wings. As for the other brown one, it looks girlish to me. The light colored one has a very red and large comb which may mean roo, but the wing colors are still light and not rooish. Please post again once you know for sure.
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