Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I purchased these 6 chicks from TSC 4 weeks ago yesterday. they were marked as Ameraucana Pullets. . . .
what do you think? are they all pullets? I have a sneaking suspision that at least one of them is a rooster.






The last chick is definitely a rooster, the other look like pullets to me right now. By the way, they are Easter Eggers. Hatcheries and feed stores continually mark them as Ameraucanas, Araucanas, or Americanas (misspelling of Ameraucana). :)
thats the one I thought might be a roo. I also thought they were EE's . . . . I got four others on March 1st that were marked Ameraucanas -- they turned out to be brahmas ( i think) -- but the lady at TSC seemed so knowledgable and sure that they were Ameraucanas!! They were in a pullet bin as well - and I am relatively certain at least one of them (if not 3) are roosters. . . . . . they are good looking birds and the girls will fit in nicely with my flock
The last one looks like a boy - early red patches & thick legs. I'd also watch the 3rd one. It looks a little in between. The solid black neck feathers in the back & thicker legs could mean roo, but the comb is fairly small, so it could also be pullet.
thats the one I thought might be a roo. I also thought they were EE's . . . . I got four others on March 1st that were marked Ameraucanas -- they turned out to be brahmas ( i think) -- but the lady at TSC seemed so knowledgable and sure that they were Ameraucanas!! They were in a pullet bin as well - and I am relatively certain at least one of them (if not 3) are roosters. . . . . . they are good looking birds and the girls will fit in nicely with my flock
You know your chickens best and I think you might be right about 3.
thats the one I thought might be a roo. I also thought they were EE's . . . . I got four others on March 1st that were marked Ameraucanas -- they turned out to be brahmas ( i think) -- but the lady at TSC seemed so knowledgable and sure that they were Ameraucanas!! They were in a pullet bin as well - and I am relatively certain at least one of them (if not 3) are roosters. . . . . . they are good looking birds and the girls will fit in nicely with my flock
That would likely be because the hatchery sells them to the retailer as Ameraucanas - so she was sure because that is what she was told they were, what they are listed as on order/packing sheets, etc. Can't really fault her for believing what she's told the product is by the source of the product, kwim?
thats the one I thought might be a roo. I also thought they were EE's . . . . I got four others on March 1st that were marked Ameraucanas -- they turned out to be brahmas ( i think) -- but the lady at TSC seemed so knowledgable and sure that they were Ameraucanas!! They were in a pullet bin as well - and I am relatively certain at least one of them (if not 3) are roosters. . . . . . they are good looking birds and the girls will fit in nicely with my flock

I see one sure male (last one), one almost certainly male (black and white one), and one that has me suspicious (first one). I'd be curious to know if these were, in fact, sexed pullets or if the bin was mismarked. They have EEs as a straight run "special breed" here and the only way to get pullets is to buy the hybrid layers. To pull three missexed chicks from a pullet bin would be extremely unlucky but for straight run, no big surprise.

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