Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

@Tappy4me You are right, he does look like a roo with those pictures.

@CarolinaHen Without knowing the age, it is looking like a roo. I'd give it a bit more time to be sure though.
We lost three meat chickens a couple days ago. We can only guess, but probably raccoons. My layers, and meaties were free ranging in the same area. My rooster was hiding in a nest box at bedtime. Further inspection showed him to have several broken feathers on the back of his leg, and a scabbed over wound on one leg. He protected my girls beautifully. Not one girl from his flock were harmed. His name is Cecil for his lavender ameraucana coloring. I have always thought him to be a bit of a wimp. Not anymore. He is definitely protective. The meaties are too slow to get away.
[COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR]#1...Combs make me think pullet #2 I think is a roo [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR]#3 Pullet Comb pretty pink???? #4 Comb is still light..Pullet? Don't know about the chest coloring?? # 5 Still pink comb...Pullet? Just my guesses? ....What do you think??
I think your guesses look pretty good. Any chicken with a salmon breast is a female
@polarbearpilot , yea. I'm really unsure of the gold one yet. It and the black and white one act roo-ish. He also has a very well developed 3 row pea comb like the black and white one. Neither have turned more than a light shade of pink yet...All the others are still yellow. @Kathryn P , here are a few pics of him/her the other day. I'm leaning towards roo right now, unless he ends up laying an egg in the future xD. I really want him to be a roo haha.
That's a pullet imo.
Were these a straight run hatch? Just curious if we are expecting some males (although a BYC friend hatched 9 pullets from 10 eggs, so it can happen!).

Do you think you can get some more pics of #2 and #3? There might be some tell tale clues we could not see. Those two are confusing.
Actually were picked from "amaraucana" labeled bin at the tractor supply!!! #2 and #3 have always been then confusing ones for me too!!
@Tappy4me You are right, he does look like a roo with those pictures.

@CarolinaHen Without knowing the age, it is looking like a roo. I'd give it a bit more time to be sure though.
Age is 12 weeks. That's what's got me questioning the sex. Based on coloring, I was thinking this was a cockerel. I'm not seeing wattles or saddle feathers yet though. The comb looks pale and small. Legs are thin.
I was hoping for a silver/black cockerel........
Age is 12 weeks. That's what's got me questioning the sex. Based on coloring, I was thinking this was a cockerel. I'm not seeing wattles or saddle feathers yet though. The comb looks pale and small. Legs are thin.
I was hoping for a silver/black cockerel........

Well, it still could go either way then. Every so often there's one that just doesn't follow the blueprints. I had one like that, paler comb, no obvious rooster signs. Sure enough, it was a roo. I was going back and forth with him for weeks lol.
We lost three meat chickens a couple days ago. We can only guess, but probably raccoons. My layers, and meaties were free ranging in the same area. My rooster was hiding in a nest box at bedtime. Further inspection showed him to have several broken feathers on the back of his leg, and a scabbed over wound on one leg. He protected my girls beautifully. Not one girl from his flock were harmed. His name is Cecil for his lavender ameraucana coloring. I have always thought him to be a bit of a wimp. Not anymore. He is definitely protective. The meaties are too slow to get away.
Sorry you lost your meaties. Yes they are slow and can't run quick like the others. But I am glad your girls have a protector. Atta boy!! I wish my girls could have a nice protective rooster, too.
Dare I hope this is really a pullet? I forgot to take a pic of the legs, but they are not thick.

What is the parentage of this chick? Is it an offspring of the rooster in your avatar? It does not look rooish to me yet, but it's hard to tell since the feather pattern is so different than the usual EE roos you see here.

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