Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Hey just thought that you guys could help with sexing my Ameraucana mixes.
They are going to be 4 weeks old in 4 days and I really would like to know sex.
Ana is bigger, heavier, has thicker legs, bigger redder comb, and stands up really straight when frightened. I think Ana is a boy, but I just want to make sure. I think both Ana and Elsa have some Ameraucana in them.
Here's Ana.

The red on the comb could be a sign of a male or some pecking order disputes. It's also an unusual shape.

And here's Elsa. She's smaller, lighter, has a smaller comb with no red and has saller legs (i think).

I think it all will come down to what they're mixed with & of course time..

Right now they're both too young to predict, so try sending more pics in 1-2 weeks.

I would love any input on some of my EE's. I have had the most difficult time telling the boys and girls apart since each of my chicks look so different! This is the one I am most curious about, she is very dominant, has had very thick legs for a long time and has a much more developed comb than 2 of the others, but it is a little smaller than the one I know is a cockerel. But she also sometimes seems hen-like and makes very hen sounding noises, while one that I know is a cockerel is already crowing...all the time! These are recent pics, Egwene is approximately 9-10 weeks old.

I would love any input on some of my EE's. I have had the most difficult time telling the boys and girls apart since each of my chicks look so different! This is the one I am most curious about, she is very dominant, has had very thick legs for a long time and has a much more developed comb than 2 of the others, but it is a little smaller than the one I know is a cockerel. But she also sometimes seems hen-like and makes very hen sounding noises, while one that I know is a cockerel is already crowing...all the time! These are recent pics, Egwene is approximately 9-10 weeks old.

Based on the red comb and splotchy red wings, I say rooster.
Based on the red comb and splotchy red wings, I say rooster.
Yeah, that's what I am afraid of, lol. I noticed that too. I think I am going to try to keep this chick either way as I adore the coloring, but if he's a cockerel I would have to find a new home for a different cockerel then so hopefully time goes by quickly and she lays an egg...or he crows
I swear I've seen two pics of chicks that looked similar but one was a pullet and one was a cockerel unfortunately. I should try to find them again and compare.
Hey just thought that you guys could help with sexing my Ameraucana mixes.
They are going to be 4 weeks old in 4 days and I really would like to know sex.
Ana is bigger, heavier, has thicker legs, bigger redder comb, and stands up really straight when frightened. I think Ana is a boy, but I just want to make sure. I think both Ana and Elsa have some Ameraucana in them.
Here's Ana.

And here's Elsa. She's smaller, lighter, has a smaller comb with no red and has saller legs (i think).

A good shot of her beard.

Them together. Do you notice any difference in their legs?

@lightchick - you are right about Ana - it's a boy. Big red 3-row comb, thick long legs that stands upright, and the dark patches on the wings are all characteristics of boys. I think he will be beautiful.

Elsa is a girl with more even feather color and pattern. I am not sure she has much ameraucana in her because she has yellow legs and straight comb as opposed to greyish/slate legs and pea comb. She is very pretty, too.
I would love any input on some of my EE's. I have had the most difficult time telling the boys and girls apart since each of my chicks look so different! This is the one I am most curious about, she is very dominant, has had very thick legs for a long time and has a much more developed comb than 2 of the others, but it is a little smaller than the one I know is a cockerel. But she also sometimes seems hen-like and makes very hen sounding noises, while one that I know is a cockerel is already crowing...all the time! These are recent pics, Egwene is approximately 9-10 weeks old.

I agree w/ S A Farm on this one being a boy. He is most likely not the dominant rooster so he doesn't crow as much or as early. Just give him some time.
Gosh I hope mine's a girl, she was more blonde with the chipmunk markings when I got her at the feed store (all of them had the same marking just some were a little darker) all the chicks were suppose to be pullets. All the baby fuzz is filling in with nice even pattern colored feathers. I can't have cockerels so I'm crossing my fingers!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you, too. That young chick of yours is very cute.

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