Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

:lol:   Oooopsie!   The censor got you!  Trying to say "shot of" with i's.  I'll look for your pictures on Sunday.
guess I should not use voice command.
Update on Rarity for everyone's records.

5 weeks:

About 3 months:

And now seven months:

He's grown up into a very striking young man that has a surprisingly pleasant crow and excellent manners. It helps that he was tossed in with the older girls that would take none of his teenage nonsense. Now he keeps a close eye on the girls, lets them eat first, and sounds the alert when there are hawks in the area. He's never given me the stink eye or come at me, he'll even tolerate some petting. Not a big fan, but not worth giving up a great sunning spot to avoid. I particularly love his two color hackles and the outline on his tail feathers. I'll have to consider hatching some of the eggs from my EE pullet that's in with him, a lovely blue girl with some lacing. Both have great personalities and handled the winter with no trouble. They would make a great next generation for my layers.
Update on Rarity for everyone's records.

5 weeks:

About 3 months:

And now seven months:

He's grown up into a very striking young man that has a surprisingly pleasant crow and excellent manners. It helps that he was tossed in with the older girls that would take none of his teenage nonsense. Now he keeps a close eye on the girls, lets them eat first, and sounds the alert when there are hawks in the area. He's never given me the stink eye or come at me, he'll even tolerate some petting. Not a big fan, but not worth giving up a great sunning spot to avoid. I particularly love his two color hackles and the outline on his tail feathers. I'll have to consider hatching some of the eggs from my EE pullet that's in with him, a lovely blue girl with some lacing. Both have great personalities and handled the winter with no trouble. They would make a great next generation for my layers.
I am not going to waste everyone's time with the chicks I believe are cockerels. Just a confirmation or opinion would be great!! I'm having a HARD time with the black ones. Not only figuring out thier gender but catching them and getting a clear picture. So here we go. I'm ready to thin them out.
pullet? Crossing fingers

no idea! Completely black on it's wings but white around neck.

hoping pullet

roo? Pink comb already
Roo and HUGE!! Has a very even pattern. These guys are confusing!
6 ended up on top and has a bit of red on wings with a faint pattern.
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Continuing, here are a few pictures of them running around. Maybe that will help.
found #6 wing picture.
these 3 I hope are pullets

Sorry for the overload again! Thank you guys so much! Any info on who I can start to find homes for and who I should keep a bit longer. I didn't put all 9 pictures up.
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I wouldn't be in a hurry to get rid of them unless you are absolutely sure. Some of them have unusual combs with a lot of pigment, making it hard to see if they are going pink. #1 & 3 have those big combs, so possible cockerels, but I'd hate to have you give away a pullet (especially beautiful #3, with the even looking pattern). Your #5 is what my cockerel's comb looked like at 5 weeks, but without some red coming in on the wings as confirmation, I would wait another week. #6 is also most likely a cockerel with that pink comb. You can also see some dark red spots appearing toward the end of the wing, but there's not much yet.

This is a good view to show color and pattern. There is a dark red spot.

Sorry I'm not much help, but if they were mine, I'd hang on to them a while longer to be sure.

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