Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Continuing, here are a few pictures of them running around. Maybe that will help. found #6 wing picture. these 3 I hope are pullets

Sorry for the overload again! Thank you guys so much! Any info on who I can start to find homes for and who I should keep a bit longer. I didn't put all 9 pictures up.

So hard to tell from a snapshot in time, but here's what I could see.

3 probable cockerels: on left in front of black (hard to see pattern, though), single comb (I see one red spot), and one to right of single comb (very patchy). Could be more.

Cockerel pattern in front, single comb again, and probably the one perching (looks like red patches). Again, could be more, but the shadows make it hard to see.

Front right is cockerel, single comb looks more even patterned in this pic (same one?), the other 3 look like pullets here.

Far left has cockerel pattern. He's going to be very pretty.

Love the color on the top one.
Angie16hearts, I wouldn't be in a hurry to get rid of them unless you are absolutely sure. Some of them have unusual combs with a lot of pigment, making it hard to see if they are going pink. #1 & 3 have those big combs, so possible cockerels, but I'd hate to have you give away a pullet (especially beautiful #3, with the even looking pattern). Your #5 is what my cockerel's comb looked like at 5 weeks, but without some red coming in on the wings as confirmation, I would wait another week. #6 is also most likely a cockerel with that pink comb. You can also see some dark red spots appearing toward the end of the wing, but there's not much yet. This is a good view to show color and pattern. There is a dark red spot. Sorry I'm not much help, but if they were mine, I'd hang on to them a while longer to be sure.
That one is from a RIR. Your right! I'm very inpatient
I will keep them all for two more weeks. Then find most of them homes. Luckily our feed store shut down chicken area do to a disease. I should be able to get rid if them quick. Thank you!
I was thinking about maybe keeping one cockerel. Good to know he may be handsome. They are just a mystery. Driving me crazy! I want to know.
I'm going to give it two weeks. Then time to find homes. So hard to tell from a snapshot in time, but here's what I could see. https://www.backyardchickens.com/content/type/61/id/6771363/ 3 probable cockerels: on left in front of black (hard to see pattern, though), single comb (I see one red spot), and one to right of single comb (very patchy). Could be more. https://www.backyardchickens.com/content/type/61/id/6771362/ Cockerel pattern in front, single comb again, and probably the one perching (looks like red patches). Again, could be more, but the shadows make it hard to see. Front right is cockerel, single comb looks more even patterned in this pic (same one?), the other 3 look like pullets here. Far left has cockerel pattern. He's going to be very pretty. Love the color on the top one.

I wouldn't be in a hurry to get rid of them unless you are absolutely sure. Some of them have unusual combs with a lot of pigment, making it hard to see if they are going pink. #1 & 3 have those big combs, so possible cockerels, but I'd hate to have you give away a pullet (especially beautiful #3, with the even looking pattern). Your #5 is what my cockerel's comb looked like at 5 weeks, but without some red coming in on the wings as confirmation, I would wait another week. #6 is also most likely a cockerel with that pink comb. You can also see some dark red spots appearing toward the end of the wing, but there's not much yet.

This is a good view to show color and pattern. There is a dark red spot.

Sorry I'm not much help, but if they were mine, I'd hang on to them a while longer to be sure.

Agreed. You could have mostly pullets yet.
hard to see them but this is the only shot I got with all 9 in it.
Angie16hearts, I'm not even sure what kind of comb this is? I wouldn't be in a hurry to get rid of them unless you are absolutely sure. Some of them have unusual combs with a lot of pigment, making it hard to see if they are going pink. #1 & 3 have those big combs, so possible cockerels, but I'd hate to have you give away a pullet (especially beautiful #3, with the even looking pattern). Your #5 is what my cockerel's comb looked like at 5 weeks, but without some red coming in on the wings as confirmation, I would wait another week. #6 is also most likely a cockerel with that pink comb. You can also see some dark red spots appearing toward the end of the wing, but there's not much yet. This is a good view to show color and pattern. There is a dark red spot. Sorry I'm not much help, but if they were mine, I'd hang on to them a while longer to be sure.
Could the ones with unusual combs be growing the dad's? Like the black one
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hard to see them but this is the only shot I got with all 9 in it.

Could the ones with unusual combs be growing the dad's? Like the black one
Love the black beard on your rooster! Reminds me of Abe Lincoln.

I'm not a comb expert, but your male doesn't have a typical pea comb. It kind of looks like a bit rose and buttercup too. Yes, I noticed some of the chicks have unusual combs, so wouldn't try to sex by size/shape because who knows what they'll turn out to be! If the chick above continues to get a dark breast, I would think cockerel. If the gold/salmon color prevails on the breast, then a pullet.

I hope you post updates every week so we can see what you've got.
Love the black beard on your rooster!  Reminds me of Abe Lincoln. :lol:  

I'm not a comb expert, but your male doesn't have a typical pea comb.  It kind of looks like a bit rose and buttercup too.  Yes, I noticed some of the chicks have unusual combs, so wouldn't try to sex by size/shape because who knows what they'll turn out to be!  If the chick above continues to get a dark breast, I would think cockerel. If the gold/salmon color prevails on the breast, then a pullet.  

I hope you post updates every week so we can see what you've got.  :pop
It's funny you say that about luckys comb. I was baffled for a bit trying to figure out what kind of comb he has. It's like a walnut / rose ? We have no idea. Just assumed since they are mixed he got his own special comb
I'll have to look at buttercup again.
I'm thinking about keeping 1 pea comb cockerel. That is if we get one out of thes mystery chicks.
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