Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*


Ut oh... Is there any chance "pistol" is a she?
Chickmammy, you have to teach them to go into the coop at night. You have to get them in there every single night. It might take a few weeks, but they will eventually go in on their own.
They do go in at night by themselves. My husband was letting them out during the day for a few hours, and after, he would gentle corral them in and most would go in on their own. I tried that and they were not going in! The waited until dark. I was worried leaving them out there alone, because we have so many foxes that are always looking for ways to eat the chickens.

Since we are talking Easter Eggers! The two brown chickens I was told were Easter Eggers one seems to have the tall tail signs of being one but the one in the front is way beefier than the one in the back and is a bit different are they both Easter Eggers??
The one in the front just seems to be built differently size wise as the one in the back is more slender and the feathers are more ruffled. The LuLu (front) has more smoothed feathers?? Let me get another picture of them.
The biggest reason I know she is a girl is because I ordered girl chicks and there's like a 95% success rate or something like that. I also know because she isn't growing a comb as quickly as males do. Males would already have a decently sized comb and it would be pinkish/red. Tater's comb is pretty tiny and it's still a yellow/creamish color. Here's my other easter egger chick (also a female). If you post a picture, I'd be happy to try and help!

Um, OK, we'll go with that ... for now.

Thanks so much for all your help! We have 8 chickens. If any of them turned out to be boys I was worried if we could still keep him. But from all your opinions it looks like I have all girls. 3 EE's l, 3 silver Wyandottes and 2 isa Browns. Hopefully every time I see more chickens I want them all. lol guess 8 is a good start. The EE's are definitely the most unique!

They will all free range soon enough. Does anyone have opinions on free ranging tips? Or is it just as simple as open the door?

Free ranging is a HUGE range (sorry) of possibilities. Yes you can just open the door and they will come out. If you are there to watch them, no problems. If not, you'll want:
- A well fenced area to keep the predators away or the ability to say "well, they are just chickens" if one gets taken. Neither is all that easy so a combination is usual.

About what age do the EEs start laying eggs?

Mine started at 24 and 30 weeks.

They do go in at night by themselves. My husband was letting them out during the day for a few hours, and after, he would gentle corral them in and most would go in on their own. I tried that and they were not going in! The waited until dark. I was worried leaving them out there alone, because we have so many foxes that are always looking for ways to eat the chickens.

Bribery works wonders! I learned here on BYC to train them with scratch grains. Candy to a chicken. Do the "here chick, chick, chick" thing and give them some scratch. It won't take long and they will expect, no DEMAND (at least mine do) scratch when you put them away for the night. Since they are likely going that way at night, it isn't real hard. The "beauty part" is that they will come to "here chick, chick, chick" because that means CANDY!!!! With this one simple "tips and tricks" (unrelated to sexing EEs) you can get them moving at other times of day, not just at roost time.

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