Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Good morning!
It is a beautiful Sunday here in Washington state. I went out to let the pullets free range and noticed some possible saddle feathers on one that I had suspicions about. Their colors keep changing. I have four EE's chicks that are from 9-11 weeks of age. Any opinions would be much appreciated.I thought I got pics of all four, but apparently not.
the one in question. comb #1

body #1 The wing color gets darker every day. But I was hoping it was too even to be roo'ish. Now wondering if those are saddle feathers coming in. sigh
#1 hanging out with the silkie babies. Better look at the possible saddle feathers

#2 with a B.O. for color comparison

#2 with head. Not really questioning this one as her pattern is pretty even, and the color is more buff.
Good morning!
It is a beautiful Sunday here in Washington state. I went out to let the pullets free range and noticed some possible saddle feathers on one that I had suspicions about. Their colors keep changing. I have four EE's chicks that are from 9-11 weeks of age. Any opinions would be much appreciated.I thought I got pics of all four, but apparently not.
the one in question. comb #1

body #1 The wing color gets darker every day. But I was hoping it was too even to be roo'ish. Now wondering if those are saddle feathers coming in. sigh
#1 hanging out with the silkie babies. Better look at the possible saddle feathers
I do think this is a cockerel, although I wish I could see the comb better. Don't think you are seeing male saddle feathers - yet. Those look pointed due to the coloring, but male saddle feathers are very narrow and sharply pointed, and they come in that way. You can sometimes see them sprouting along the back at the base of the tail, if you can look under the other feathers. The hormones tend to affect the comb first, and from what I can see, the comb is smaller than I would expect. This youngster is closer to 9 wks than 11?

The second one you showed is all pullet.
I do think this is a cockerel, although I wish I could see the comb better. Don't think you are seeing male saddle feathers - yet. Those look pointed due to the coloring, but male saddle feathers are very narrow and sharply pointed, and they come in that way. You can sometimes see them sprouting along the back at the base of the tail, if you can look under the other feathers. The hormones tend to affect the comb first, and from what I can see, the comb is smaller than I would expect. This youngster is closer to 9 wks than 11?

The second one you showed is all pullet.
#1 is probably a boy. I don't see those male saddle feathers just yet, though. They are really shiny and almost look wet. They are really hard to miss when they do start coming in.

The saddle feathers emerge just past the shoulders and right before the base of the tail.
The feathers that got me wondering are just before the base of the tail and curve downward on either side. I haven't seen those before on my girls. I haven't questioned this guy until now as the color on the wings has really only showed up blotchy in the last week or so. Sigh. This is one of two EE chicks I am raising with mine for my daughter. I will try to get a better close up of him tonight when they settle for bed. Thanks!
The thing is, both males and females will have saddle feathers. Girl saddle feathers will be like slightly longer versions of the rest of their feathers, with rounded ends. Boys get very thin, shiny, pointed saddle feathers. The take several weeks of growing before they are long enough to hang down by the tail.
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I've seen pullets with those sort of floppy, longer saddles (it is confusing!), but if you put your hand behind the feather, you'll see the end is blunted.

The thing is, both males and females will have saddle feathers. Girl saddle feathers will be like slightly longer versions of the rest of their feathers, with rounded ends. Boys get very thin, shiny, pointed saddle feathers. The take several weeks of growing before they are long enough to hang down by the tail.

Thanks, I will get my mitts on "it" tonight. They are super flighty right now. Then I can get a better look and a couple better pics. I love digital cameras. I took 20+ pics this am to try and get 3 clear enough to post.
Roosters sure get pretty. Especially their hackle & saddle feathers.

My oldest at 5 years, Mr. Feathers:

And Mr. Feathers' feathers <g> I was sitting with the chicks and he jumped up on my lap. I wish I could have gotten this close up in the sun.


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