Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Anyone have any similar babies to these and have pics of what they ended up looking like?

There is no way to predict what your chicks will look like when grown. With my first batch of Easter Eggers, I had two chicks that were identical, but they grew up to be completely different looking. My first hatch, I had 3 that were identical. Again, all grew up to look different. My latest hatch I had three that were exactly the same. Turns out, they all look different from each other as well. That's just how Easter Eggers are. And you can have chicks that look nothing alike, end up looking like twins as adults.
Point is, even if somebody has pictures of birds that started out looking just like your chicks, it is in no way an indication of what your specific chicks will look like. That's what makes them so much fun. You never know what that chick will grow to look like.
My question really was just for the fun of it. Wasn't looking for accurate predictions.

There is no way to predict what your chicks will look like when grown. With my first batch of Easter Eggers, I had two chicks that were identical, but they grew up to be completely different looking. My first hatch, I had 3 that were identical. Again, all grew up to look different. My latest hatch I had three that were exactly the same. Turns out, they all look different from each other as well. That's just how Easter Eggers are. And you can have chicks that look nothing alike, end up looking like twins as adults. 
Point is, even if somebody has pictures of birds that started out looking just like your chicks, it is in no way an indication of what your specific chicks will look like. That's what makes them so much fun. You never know what that chick will grow to look like.
Some updated pictures :)
They are about 5 weeks 3 days.




I've got some over ten week old EEs, some are clear boys or girls (ALL were sold as pullets from Meyer Hatchery, but we know how that goes)

This one really has me confused though- it is a little patchy in coloring, although not as patchy as you would expect in a cockerel- the comb is not red, but it is just a little thicker than a clear "pullet" comb would be. Maybe you folks can help me? It is almost eleven weeks old, sold as an EE pullet from Meyer hatchery. All of these shots are of the same bird.

Here is what is looking like reddish patches to me- but not quite textbook "patches" per say...

Here's one of the better shots of the comb- it's kind of three rows, but not the super puffy three row comb you would typically see on boys. (I have one in this batch that DEFINITELY has that type of comb)
I've got some over ten week old EEs, some are clear boys or girls (ALL were sold as pullets from Meyer Hatchery, but we know how that goes)

This one really has me confused though- it is a little patchy in coloring, although not as patchy as you would expect in a cockerel- the comb is not red, but it is just a little thicker than a clear "pullet" comb would be. Maybe you folks can help me? It is almost eleven weeks old, sold as an EE pullet from Meyer hatchery. All of these shots are of the same bird.

Here is what is looking like reddish patches to me- but not quite textbook "patches" per say...

Here's one of the better shots of the comb- it's kind of three rows, but not the super puffy three row comb you would typically see on boys. (I have one in this batch that DEFINITELY has that type of comb)
Pullet. There have been late blooming cockerels before, but I've never seen one make it to 10 weeks with that pale of a comb. As for her coloring, she has a uniform patchiness (is that like jumbo shrimp?) and there is no rooster red which you'd expect to see at 10 weeks.
Really? Thank you!!!

I've also got a Gold Laced Wyandotte from this shipment who I cannot decide on his/her gender. Not an EE, so probably not a candidate for this thread. But I'll post if you guys want to take a gander at him. (No pun intended)
I know it's a little early, but here are my two 4 week old EE's

1) this one is my favorite of all 9 of my chicks, but he/she also seems most curious, confidant and is the protector of the flock, which has me a little worried


2) This one has much more typical girly behavior
I know it's a little early, but here are my two 4 week old EE's

1) this one is my favorite of all 9 of my chicks, but he/she also seems most curious, confidant and is the protector of the flock, which has me a little worried

2) This one has much more typical girly behavior
Oh, kiss of doom to have a favorite!
It's interesting that where the wing feathers have not come in on #1 is where you might expect to see the red boy feathers coming in. Not sure if there is any connection, but interesting. Can't sex them yet, so still pullets, right? If you can get good straight on close pics of the combs, there might be helpful clues.

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