Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Not a cockerel yet! You may have one of those hulking pullets. I have one too. She is one of my largest hens.

This pic (not mine) is the best example I could quickly find of a male comb with the 3 distinct bumpy rows. This chick is older than yours, but if you see this in the next week or two, expect a cockerel. Pullets tend to keep a single ridge down the center. As with everything, there are exceptions of course, but these are the traits most commonly seen.

I posted photos of my EE a few weeks ago and received very mixed answers. Does anyone care to guess again now that she/he is older? She is a feedstore "Amerecauna" pullet but some members here have pointed out that she is an EE instead. I have a suspicion that she is a he, but I am a chicken noob! Help?

This head-view photo makes me worry. That comb looks somewhat pink and plump for a seven week old bird.
Been stalking this thread for a while. So appreciative of all the pictures and advice from all the experts. As for my question:

Farty Marty or Batty Betty???? 7 week old EE. Specifically chosen (out of 5 other sexed EE pullets from hatchery) because he had an even coloring and no "red/orange" on wings as a chick, two of the others had red on shoulders... but I'm guessing now that chick coloring doesn't matter.

**(Im sure some of you might not want to read my ramblings... in that case just scroll down and see the pics of my suspected roo)

I have had my suspicions from the very beginning. From day two, this chick was different from the rest of the ten I had. It would alarm-peep EVERY time I handled it, even at a few days old. All the others would snuggle and sleep or contentedly explore around me... but not Farty Marty (or Batty Betty?). This chick is a chicken, pun intended. Now at almost 7 weeks, while all it's flock mates fight over space on my shoulder or lap, this dude (dudette?) will sit in the far corner and give me the stink eye. Not even a fist full of mealworms will make this stinker warm up to me (even waiting still as a statue... he will take one half step toward me, eye my evil hand and turn tail and run). Jumpy, aloof and flighty, this guy (gal) freaks at every movement, sound and flutter and runs away.

What I am seeing:
-uneven blotches of color on shoulders and back (although he is only black and white no red/orange)
-larger/redder comb
-stocky legs

Tell me I am right that this is a roo so I can stop second guessing myself (buuuut they said red on the shoulders = roo.... so this must be a pullet....?)

the last pic is for color comparison of combs as I know cameras can throw off the color (also, this is the signature look I get from him (her?) most of the time)

As I said, he is a booger to get a good pic of. I have more if needed.

Thank you for your help and patience with all of us newbies.
I think he looks like a Farty Marty, very handsome looking though.

x 2 Farty Marty for sure.

wow.. you are quick! Thanks... either of you want him?! lol... prob too far from CT, huh?

any experience with roos with this type of personality? Will he even be able to protect my flock? Will he mature and actually gain a back-bone? Any benefits to keeping him other than fertilized eggs that would produce cowardly babies?
Will he ever warm up to me? I tried working with him slowly and gently to no avail.

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