Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Hoping this thread is still going... I'm going to add some pics later today, but I have an 11 week old blue EE... It is solid blue with no orange or blotchy coloring. Compared to my other 2, a definite and suspected roo, it seems to have rounded neck feathers versus pointy, it's smaller and doesn't engage in chest bumping... So based on solid coloring I am really hoping girl- my only one from this hatch! Looking at blue EE roosters they seem to always have at least some variation in color, for instance black neck or tail feathers... Also I have a white and black EE I'd like everyones opinion on, as I'm still not positive, but pointy neck feathers would mean boy, right? It's coloring looks very brahma to me. Pictures to come...
Okay here we go, 11 weeks old, genders needed for the blue and white two:

"Storm" the Blue EE:




"Opal" the White and Black EE:



And for fun "Chaos" a definite roo:

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I've got 4 EE of my own. Two I'm positive are female, one positive a male, and the 4th I need some advice. I resembles frizzo our EE roo but here's a pic of chickoletta any help would be appreciated

This is frizzo and Katie
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Wahhhh!!!! NoOooOoo!!! Storm! That means I probably hatched all roos!!! Agh!!!! Opal has pointy neck feathers and that's why I was leaning towards roo... But her/his comb is still flat and she/he has been the only one allowed to sleep in the coop, by my mean girl hens, and has also been the most shy, so hmm, possibly is a pullet... Are you basing Storm's gender on comb development, junebuggena?
Storm is Lavender, and I'm thinking cockerel. Opal needs another couple more weeks. Cushion combs make it more difficult to sex.
Thanks @MyMilleFleur and @lightchick I certainly hope so! But now that @junebuggena is leaning towards Storm being a roo I'm not sure... I looked up lavender EE roos and the coloring seems to be solid lavender with no patchiness... The one thing a noticed is that both Storm and Opal still make the same baby sounds whereas my positive roo has a lower pitched voice and is the most bullied by my hens - they absolutely hate him

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