Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I suspect we have a tell-tale comb.

Is that the three row comb of doom?
Here is his/her sister's comb, for reference. Both chicks are 4 1/2 weeks old, and have similar patterning so far, just different colors and different combs. The combs are what is of particular interest

It's still too early to be sure, but nothing is screaming rooster at this time. Pullets can have three row combs too.
@mymilliefleur Update pics.

Silver boy.


This one is interesting.

This one is kinda cool.


Here's a buff, he's got red shoulders



This one kinda looks like that other one but lighter, they were nearly identical as chicks.



Here's a gray one.


Hello. I'm new to chicken raising and I'm hoping someone could offer some help with my EE's gender. Secondly, if one/both happen to be a male my wife thinks that a fertilized egg wouldn't be good to eat or would have a baby chicken inside (that would then get cracked into a pan in the am). I don't think a fertilized egg would taste any differently. Thank you all in advance for your thoughts.

Tell your wife don't worry the eggs that a fertile taste the same. If you gather eggs every day you will not have to worry about getting a chick inside the egg when you crack it open. The only time you will find a chick inside is if you have a broody hen that's been sitting on the eggs for (days) on end. They only time they get up is to poo and eat. So maybe 20 to 30 minutes is all they are off the nest. Move your broody hen and don't let her sit on eggs unless you want baby chicks. That will take between 21 days and 25 days from the time she has her clutch ready to sit on.
Ok, my EE's. They were supposed to be ameracaunas, but they have green legs, so I know they are EE'S. Any guess on gender???

Miss Sandy Cheeks:

And Roxanne:

pics of them together:


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