Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Most EEs don't have wattles -- the beard that is typically seen from the Ameraucana in their ancestry replaces or at least seriously diminishes the wattles on both males and females.
You might want to read through this thread -- it's jam-packed with useful information. For example, most EEs are super easy to sex by color pattern long before 20 weeks.

Not necessarily true. Many EEs don't have Ameraucana in their ancestry. EEs came before Ameraucanas, and were developed from Quechua. Ameraucanas were developed from EEs. The Ameraucana website has a great page on the breed history that might interest you.
Also, there are plenty of clean-faced EEs who did indeed have wattles.
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It looks like it might be a girl to me. The video quality wasn't good enough to really see what the color pattern looks like. A good, still picture would help immensely.
Okay, here are some pictures from a little over a month ago (last time I saw him). He's on the left and that's his sister. When do they start developing saddle/hackle feathers and when should he be crowing? His neighbor silkie is already crowing, and they're the same age. Also no shiny black/green sheened tail feathers yet that I know of.

I thought boy because he has a 3 row comb

Side shot, stands pretty upright
Both of my EE girls that I raised had 3 row combs so that isn't very reliable in and of itself. They both look like girls to me
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I have to respectfully disagree with you on the second one... I'm almost positive she's a girl (she has to be she's my favorite lol).
This is the best comb Picture I could take of Lucinda this morning. She's very friendly and shy. I usually end up befriending the "bottom of the pecking order" girls. They love me and I reciprocate lol


When I sex my EE's I try not to go by any 'one' specific thing. I try to see if they have several traits that are indicative of males, such as: thicker legs than the others, larger and redder comb, coloration... etc. Granted I've only sexed 4 that I've raised before these, but I successfully sexed them all before they left the brooder

Here are the pics I took this morning of Chaz (formerly known as Chastity lol)




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