Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I wonder if maybe your cockerels are picking on each other? I know my EE cockerel started trying to mate and crowing at 14 weeks but the pecking order squabbling was going on with all of them before that.

Camo was in isolation, letting his poor tail heal, when Harpo was attacked. They tore up Harpo's left wing pretty bad. Camo and Harpo of two of the shyest of the group. They never are involved in squabbles over food or roosting space. They pretty much just settle where ever they are allowed.
I know my 6 18.5 week pullets pick on my 13 week old roo even tho he is every bit as big as they are. I know one day soon they will all regret it. I do not want a roo, so he will eventually go to my friends home on a chicken ranch, but I think I am subconsciencely keeping him until he grows a set.....and can hold his own with these girls. He is by far my sweetest chicken! I hate that he turned out to be a roo.
Any guesses about the gender of my 5 week old ees? The brown one's tail sticks up at an angle that is unlike the white one's tail - so that makes me think the brown one will grow a big rooster tail, and maybe the white one is a pullet? Neither seem to have any orange or red anywhere and I don;t know what are the feathers that grow pointier in a rooster? Where do I look for those? I realize it could be months before I know. You guys all seem so knowledgable! Thanks in advance for any help!

72Lark, you have all pullets, and very pretty ones too!

dftkarin, it's still pretty early to guess their gender. But when they reach around 8 weeks old you should be able to see a lot of color in their combs if either is a cockerel, and around that time you may be able to see the dark red coming in on the shoulders. For the pointy feathers, males get pointed hackles and saddles -- there's a good diagram here showing where those are located. They usually start coming in on the cockerels around the 3 month mark.

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