Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Pretty sure that is a pullet, but that red comb in throwing me
Question not anything about roo or pullet tho... My 14wk roo EE was put into a new pen with others his age yesterday. Came to check on him this morning and he is laying or plating dead! I thought he was gone for sure, I picked him up and he opens his sweet eyes. Come to find out he won't use his left leg at all and the feathers under his right wind are plucked out. I took him to the water and he drank but he won't eat, he just lays. Did he get bullied even tho he is the bigger of the group? I really hope he makes it. I have separated him from the others into a recoup pen. Suggestions???:(
Okay looking at the added pics I might change my mind. Looking at her face and combs in some of the pics she looks very girlish. I am just thrown by how she seems to have more red feathers concentrated in the shoulder blade area which, tends to be a boy thing. As I said though in several of the pics her face looks very girlish. Who knows maybe you got a girl with a very unique color pattern.
You should post pics of her here as she feathers and comb changes. It would be fun and if she is a boy it will become apparent and everyone here will be able to tell you. I think one of the quick tell tale signs if you have a boy is if it starts getting in a darker red kind of a rust colored feathering on the shoulder blades. I think they get those at three to four months.


Here is hoping you got a girl since that is what you want.
OMG, she looks just like my Esmeralda! She had red on her wings at that age too and had me guessing about her sex up until a few weeks ago when she started squatting. Based on her size I would guess she is about 2 months old, and when she starts her juvenile molt she should get a lot more blue laced red feathers on her back and wings. Congrats!
Alright, I've been putting this off for as long as I could, trying to wait until my feathered kids were big enough to post here. My chickens in question are two chickens we purchased as easter eggers from a local feed store who are ten weeks old; younger than our silkies but older than our other three EE's. One I'm sure is an EE, the other I have no clue but is likely just a weird EE, she/he kinda has a little cheek fluff starting and the tail is hung so low and so curved over her/his rump I don't know where to start, you'll see in a minute. But the question here is hens or roos!

Isis, the one I know is an EE

The glam photo to show body color

The glorious beard (just because I love it so much, it's the poofiest beard out of any of the EE's I've had!)

Better view of her color and comb

Boo, the giant sibling. (Literally, she/he's the largest of the bunch)

Body coloring and that weird tail

Mug shot (Isis at the bottom, Sophie in the bottom corner and angel in the back)

Now Boo has never really had much of a tail as a chick, and had booty feathers before her tail came in, small and exceptionally curved. Boo is also built like a football. I haven't really seen this on an EE yet, so I'm curious if she might be something else, or if she's just weird. Isis on the other hand grew pretty fast and evenly, and while feisty as a chick is now one of the middle to lower ranking chickens, with Boo being the roughest now. Neither of them really have any spur growth at all and only just this week they started pinking up in the face; which I can't tell if it's from hormones or from the 100 degree temps with 85% humidity we've been having. I have my fingers crossed for girls!! I already have a dapper little silkie roo in the coop.

Edit: Also I thought I should say, I've been obsessively checking for shiny saddle feathers since they started feathering out, and neither of them has any coming in, and all their neck feathers are blunt, not pointed.

I think this got missed... Anyone have an opinion?
I think this got missed... Anyone have an opinion?

Boo looks like a pullet to me. Maybe the mini-tail means she has some Araucana ancestry showing.

Isis is a little harder to tell. For 10 weeks, the comb looks large and red (hard to see in the pics) and the legs look thick too. The coloring looks like a pullet, though, so far. Leaning toward pullet.
Boo looks like a pullet to me. Maybe the mini-tail means she has some Araucana ancestry showing.

Isis is a little harder to tell. For 10 weeks, the comb looks large and red (hard to see in the pics) and the legs look thick too. The coloring looks like a pullet, though, so far. Leaning toward pullet.

It's hard to tell. XD It's it's always hanging extra low so maybe.

Isis actually has thinner legs than Boo, just longer and her comb isn't really red until I chase her around a bit, otherwise it's slightly pink and more of a "skin" tone. When she was younger I was more worried about a roo but yeah, I'm leaning more towards pullet right now too.

Thanks you two!

Edit: Also my original post was over a week ago, so they're going on 12 weeks this saturday, and there's no change in the size or color of either combs and still no shiny pointy feathers anywhere on their bodies. :3 I check twice a day LOL
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Oh no! That's Camo, isn't it? Are the feathers sharply pointed at the bottom? If yes, he's a boy for sure. My EE pullet got new "hackle" feathers too, beautiful dark iridescent black with gold lacing, but they are very femininely rounded. Have you checked for saddle feathers lately (along either side of backbone up from the tail)?

Yes, that is Camo. It gets worse! Here are some pictures from today...

His :( back is still pretty bare, just starting to get pin feathers.
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