Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Both look like roos to me

Me too, based on the comb sizes. When you can see the EE comb stand out in profile (like your last picture) it is almost always a male. The 3 rows are also prominent and the color on the wings is patchy. If the combs turn pink in a couple more weeks, you'll have confirmation. Hope I'm wrong. Sorry.
We had the same problem! So pretty, but seriously so many boys someone has to go.


Alpha looks so much like one of my EE/Blue Andalusian mixes. I love that coloring, but I have too many roos. It's so hard to choose! I was all set to get rid of mine that looks like your Alpha, but now I'm considering keeping him. But, I can't figure out which other rooster to get rid of in his place!

Do you know if the blue coloring would come out in any of his offspring, since he's only 1/2 Blue Andalusian?
He definitely carries the blue gene, but would it go in hiding if crossed with a non-blue female?
Alpha has 3 blue daughters. One is dark slate blue, one is silvery blue and one is blue with gold flecks. He produced two that were orangish toned and blue, lots of creams and a few chipmunk looking. he also produced two all blue sons, one has a gold neck so we kept him. I like the blue and confederate feathers so tend to keep those
Here is my new EE. What do you think? It really looks like it has a rose comb starting instead of a pea comb. She/he is 5 1/2 weeks old. It has the strangest neck feathers. They look like an Araucana's tuffs but coming off it's neck! Weird. Can anyone tell me what they think? What mix? What sex? Hatched from a blue egg. Has really dark slate blue legs. Looks to be growing in black/blue with a goldish brown vein down each feather. Any opinion on egg color? Could this be an OE? I know that OE's come in a variety of combs. I just want colored eggs. Of course, if it is a roo....it will have to go. Already got one mistake roo!

See those strange little neck tuffs? They stick out pretty far. Weird

Isn't this female coloring?

Looks more like a rose comb. Not 3 rows, but lumpy looking at the top.
Well again I have to be different..... the SS is a roo.....but that EE looks to be a hen to me............... Kim

Oh, I hope you're right on the EE! The tail and body shape still look girly to me but I'm not sure about the coloring or the comb.

I'm still holding out hope that I just have a very butch SS pullet, but I agree that little Teriyaki is most likely a Terry and not a Teri. I caught the little guy standing up to my top ranking hen in a dispute over the food dish this morning.
I have 4 girls that I have had since 1 day old....got my first egg today at 24 weeks 3 days!!!!! It is SOOOOOO blue! I was flailing around the yard like a crazy woman! I hope they are all this pretty!


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