Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I have taken more pictures...I am panicking mow

Quote: Sorry all three are roos.... no doubt about it. The red on the wings is a roo only thing, and the combs, saddle feathers are pointy 100% they knew that too
Why do people do that? Roos are too easy to GIVE away. Or even sell cheap as a roo.
I have taken more pictures...I am panicking mow :he

I don't know what kinda person besides an idiot or a shyster who would sell these as hens.......... I'm so sorry hun but these are all Roosters....... good grief, can you take them back? and exchange them for hens? I think they knew exactly what they were doing they are too old to be easily mistaken for hens........ look at those hackle feathers already, and at least 1 of them must be crowing..? this makes me pretty mad... actually wish I could have better news..........Kim
Any guesses on this chick, my favourite?

3 weeks old, I know it's early but I'm dying to know!

It's the tamest of all 29, the most beautiful colouring, and I'll be heartbroken if I have to give it away

IMO this is a pullet. Comb looks like a single row, not three. But like the other person said,,,wait a week or two and you will have a better answer,. Be sure and post again.
I also think this chick is a pullet, the feathers coming in appear to be the right color for a hen...........I hope that it stays that way, I sure hate telling people there babies are boys, but if I believe they are I won't lie. I know how I felt ..... 1 EE of my original 3 turned out to be a hen, and 2 roo'sssss I was not happy I wanted hens.. and when everyone told me my Graybeard was a boy I cried..... I love him now still as a roo, but he was so very pretty as a baby, and not exactly friendly....I so wanted him to be a pullet.... he gave me 3 beautiful pullets this year and 2 roosters.... so I'm happy with that plus I ordered him 10 new girls to make me some pretty babies next year..............Kim
Thanks! I'll definitely check in again in a few weeks!

After reading 171 pages of this thread, I have a good idea what to look out for :)
I don't know what kinda person besides an idiot or a shyster who would sell these as hens.......... I'm so sorry hun but these are all Roosters....... good grief, can you take them back? and exchange them for hens? I think they knew exactly what they were doing they are too old to be easily mistaken for hens........ look at those hackle feathers already, and at least 1 of them must be crowing..? this makes me pretty mad... actually wish I could have better news..........Kim
I feel horrible...I was not familiar with this breed and I trusted this lady....I will have to find them homes...Thanks to all that helped.
P.S. Any one knows where may I buy 2 hens in Los Angeles area?
Tons o' pics! I have 18 babies, two that pure white Ameraucana, the rest are Easter Eggers. The 16 were sold to me as Ameraucana eggs but it's obvious they are not. The two pure white I got from someone on here and they meet the breed standard so I am pretty sure they are pure. All the EE's were hatched on August 31st, the two Ameraucanas were hatched on Sept 6th.

Can someone tell me what these chickens will look like when they are older? I'm trying to decide who to keep and who needs to be re-homed. I'd like to see pics of what my chicks might look like as adults.

In this pic, the one in the front is a girl and the two standing in the middle with the darker color in their wings are boys.

Back to the right is the pure Ameraucana roo. What color will the one in the front, bending down with his head out of shot be?

Female, supposed to be a Wheaten Ameraucana but it has green legs. Will it look like a Wheaten but with green legs?

The white chick in the middle is my female pure white Ameraucana. The two darker birds on each side are what I'm wondering what they will be.

These two are gorgeous. They have a grey and rust color. I think I have one roo and one female.

This is the only one that is this color and I think it might be a girl (judging by comb) but it does have some rust color on the wings.

Another pic of the three that are dark colored. I think two are male and one female.

This guy is my favorite. He is spunky but friendly. He has grey and rust colored feathers.

Front picture of the same chick, definitely a roo!
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