Easter Eggers ~ Americana ~What Factors =What Colored Eggs~ Post Yours

found this... sounds like americaunas are mutts!

Well if you go by how a breed is developed, they are all mutts.... same thing goes for dogs, horses, cats so on, so on...
The original chicken was actually believed to be Red Jungle Fowl....not the same as what you would see in a hatchery they looked more like fancy pheasants(well in my head anyway). Like Royal Oaks Ranch Grey Jungle fowl
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I don't know. Do you have a pic?
Americana's are mutts, it all depends on how you spell it.
Just like when they say "Cheese food" that doesnt mean its cheese, it means its something somewhat similar to cheese but not really.
AMERAUCANA is a registerd breed, But just like the rolex you get for $10.00 on a new york street, Americana's AKA EE's arnt the real thing!!
And AMERAUCANA's from a big hatchery are EE's.

Wana play the shell game now

And now that we have that all settled, Post your pics of your EE's AMERAUCANA's Americanas,
Anyway you spell it, post your chicken and egg pics.
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Americanas are nothing. Its just spelled wrong. Ameraucana and EEs are two totally different breeds. Hatcheries sell Easter Eggers but advertise them as Americanas or whatever, but saying Americanas and EEs are the same, but Ameraucanas arent is super confusing.
This is why I love this site - I learn something new EVERYDAY! We too bought "Ameraucanas" from a hatchery near our home town in Texas. Now, I am not sure what I have. At any rate, our girls are friendly and beautiful.
So is "cheese food"

Of how about this
"butter flavoring"
You know, the stuff they put on at the movie theater.

Hopefully , eventually, someone will post a pic of an egg in this thread, and more pics off EE's.

edit: Woot Ferrn posted while I was typing

You getting eggs yet Ferrn ? and what color?
looks like.. Green legs right? its a little dark on my screen to be sure.
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I have a bunch of these girls and am waiting for them to lay too. I am excited to see what colors they lay. And I spoil them with grasshoppers and feed. Hopefully they will lay soon.

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