Easter Eggers ~ Americana ~What Factors =What Colored Eggs~ Post Yours

OHHH what fun. Ok looking for green legged and puffy faced chick in the spring...then maybe just maybe green eggs.

Has esther laid yet...or at 20 weeks is she still too young?

Yes, she is young (I'm pretty sure she is a she). I got her in mid June as a 2 day old chick so she is a little over 4 months. I think it is the closeness that is making the ridges seem more prominant because her crest is actually quite small. Her legs are a greenish color.
well i must say I am interested in this post and check in on it from time to time but am quite a ways behind now...have we come to the bottom line about what traits give the elusive green or blue egg? I just got a bunch from Cynthia and they are all green to aqua green coloured...really pretty neat! Hopefully they all hatch.
And in another thread, we mentioned that men and women see color differently. Some of my eggs, to me, placed next to my steel gray house, appear more blue than greenish, while others do seem almost minty green. My house is my color comparison point since the gray paint I used has no blue in it on purpose. I see blue, my husband sees green and vice versa sometimes. My coops are a greenish-gray. My DH says gray, some people said blue when they saw pictures. Color truly is in the eye of the beholder!
No not yet, I'm still waiting for her comb to do its Pre-lay growth change.

On here all bets are off on color, between variations of moniter settings, brands of your moniter(different manufacturers emphasise different colors) and how your photo was taken, by the time you get it here, you pretty much need to Say what color it is, along with your pic.

In real life, some colors seem to be a matter of opinion; lighting conditions change things too, for example, if it's late in the day, the sun produces more yellow and something blue might appear to be greenish.

My wife had a Green car for a long time, but if you ask her, it was blue.

Its all a matter of perspective I guess.
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Yep, thats true. I say my EE's eggs are blue, dh calls them white. They are far from white, but I guess thats the closest he has seen. I told him to begin with they may be green, and he told me he will NOT eat any green eggs, so they must not look green to him either. lol

Oh Barg, pictures of Lily and Dash in two dif posts in raising baby chicks today.
10 weeks, I do believe The only one that commented was Cyn, who is one of the chicks grandma. No one else said anythin in my main pic thread, so go make me feel better! Please?
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Hi, alright I have been reading through the postings and have some pictures of my chickens and of some eggs..
This site has been fantastic and I love seeing all the different pictures.. Great job guys...
But i have some questions.

So far the gold colored Americana (Henny Penny) has not started laying I am hoping for blue eggs but who knows the other (Silly Sally) has just started laying and I believe hers to be a light brownish pink egg. I have 5 chickens that are laying and can only for sure match 2 with the hens..

The white egg belongs to Meg Pie which is the white leghorn
The dark brown one is Molly's she is my Golden sexlink This I know for sure the rest is speculation.
Ruby who is my red star she lays a light brown egg
Dot my Winedot she also lays a light brown egg
I am 90% the pinkish brown one comes from Sally.
Can you tell me for sure what kind of chickens these are I was told from the breeder they are Americana's.
Thank you all

Hey there everyone I am very excited I had to have my son come and show me how to post pictures on here pretty bad when our kids know more then we do... LOL
Here is some picture of my girls and Henny Penny laid her first egg today it is a light green color.
Here is some pics



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The gold colored one is an Easter Egger.
I'm not sure what the one in the bottom picture is, do you have a full body shot of her?
Grats on your green egg!!!
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Yay!! We finally get to post here!

Penelope, our adopted EE, just laid her first egg.

Penny is shown below. She has a rose comb, legs are greenish grey, earlobes pinkish-red, beard and ear-muffs (is that the right term?)

Her egg is a pale turquoise (blue-green), shown below.

Did I forget any characteristics you wanted, barg?




Stacey & Olivia (and Penny!)

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