Easter Eggers' Egg Size?

I have two EE girls and they lay medium to large lightly tinted blue eggs. FWIW. My two are flighty but they are less so when I am around verses DH or daughters. They have after four months gotten used to the cat and dog.

I love my EE girls and wouldnt hesitate to get more. :)
I have 3 EEs and one started laying today at 24 weeks. It is a smallish medium sized pale green egg. Pretty color but hope they get larger.
They may only get a little larger, but not much. Mine started at 1.75oz, and now they are probably 1.90 oz. Just solidly into the medium size. The lower eggs are my EEs (medium), the one by my thumb is my Bantam Cochin's egg (small).

My EE's eggs don't fit in the regular commercial egg cartons. They are definately Jumbo.


To put the picture in perspective, the other is from one of my RIR and are the same size as a commercial Large egg.
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I've got four ee hens and one just started laying at 4 months old and her eggs are very small right now so small I thought it was my tiny bantum at first. One egg every other day then nothing for about four days then today she lays two I am so excited for the rest of my flock to start laying. I would definitely recommend ee's I just love them so much great birds.
Raising chickens here on Cape Cod I decided to add breeds to my "industrial" chickens (Red Stars). Five months ago I got 3 Buff Orphingtons and 3 Easter Eggers (McMurray Hatchery). The BO seem to be really slow developers. They get bigger and bigger every day, but their comb is still tiny and whitish-pink (as their waddles) - I think I have months to go before I see any BO eggs.

Today I got 2 EE eggs:

The brown egg is from one of the RS (74 gms) the EE eggs are 38 gms. I presume the EE eggs will get larger as time goes on.

My EEs are a blast to watch. I let them out for an hour or so every afternoon. They run around, chest bump each other, fly around, follow my wife around the yard, etc. They are also very pretty birds.

If the eggs get bigger, the plan is to get more EE in the spring.
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Raising chickens here on Cape Cod I decided to add breeds to my "industrial" chickens (Red Stars). Five months ago I got 3 Buff Orphingtons and 3 Easter Eggers (McMurray Hatchery). The BO seem to be really slow developers. They get bigger and bigger every day, but their comb is still tiny and whitish-pink (as their waddles) - I think I have months to go before I see any BO eggs.

Today I got 2 EE eggs:

The brown egg is from one of the RS (74 gms) the EE eggs are 38 gms. I presume the EE eggs will get larger as time goes on.

My EEs are a blast to watch. I let them out for an hour or so every afternoon. They run around, chest bump each other, fly around, follow my wife around the yard, etc. They are also very pretty birds.

If the eggs get bigger, the plan is to get more EE in the spring.
Welcome to BYC!
How old are your RS?
All pullet eggs are small to begin with, no matter the breed of bird, and they will get larger......maybe in a few weeks or it may take months.
Eggs will be larger after the first year of laying, how large can depend on breed or individual bird.
EE are a cross/mix/mutt, so some may end up laying larger eggs, some smaller, depending on what the cross was.
Only time will tell.

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