Easter Eggers


10 Years
Oct 2, 2009
Are they quiet or not? I have seen many people say they are among the louder ones, and that BO's are very quiet. I live in the city, but I'd really like so nice green or blue eggs.
And, I'm not really supposed to be having chickens.
Any experience with their noise level would be welcome. Also, I'll be getting them from the feed store. Can I observe them to see which would be quiet when the grow up, just looking at them for a while first? Or is that not really a good way to tell, like maybe a quiet chick grows up to be very loud? Thanks for any input.
How loud they are varies from bird to bird. I have 7 hens all together, and two of them are EE's. Bertha, my black-and-gold EE, is very quiet and sweet but not too personable. Lola, the brown-red EE, is sweet and very personable and is the head of the flock now. She is only loud when she lays an egg, but boy oh boy, she does get LOUD.

They all do when it comes time to laying, although I will say that my barred rock and light brahma are the quietest and have a very short "egg song".
They vary. I've had one from Murray McMurray who was the second quietest hen of all mine (the Shamo beating her of course) and then there's my "homemade" ones who have yet to be old enough to truly judge. I also have a partially "homemade" one who's also pretty quiet. It depends, really, on parents and strains. I would assume the closer they are to true Araucanas or Ameraucanas, the louder they may possibly be. My true Araucanas are very loud when it comes time to lay eggs, my Ameraucanas are kind of average, but have quite a shrill voice when doing the egg call.
I have three EEs. They were very quiet until they started laying then it was like someone turned up the volume outside! It didn't last long, just the first week when Sunny and Scrambles started laying. Now they're relatively quiet again. My immediate neighbors can probably hear the ladies when they go into their yards but otherwise I doubt anyone else can. They still get a little louder when they're laying but not by much.

I have more 22 girls and had the same experience.

Ok, so they quiet down after a week or so? Good to hear.

My immediate neighbors are an old retired couple whose children come more often now that the wife got hit by a car and is having memory issues.
I'm sure they will be fine. The only problem is, living in the city in townhouses, our yard is very small. Our house is at the beginning of a row, so people going to their house at the end will pass our yard. Most people go in by the garage though, I mostly see people on the path going to/from school.

So I guess I won't be able to tell who is more quiet by looking at the chicks. Oh well, thank you everybody for your stories and experiences.
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