Easter hatched... Breed and gender help


10 Years
Jul 29, 2010
New Glarus


So this was part of a hatch for Easter. It is either an Australorp or OE and five months old. Just developed comb and wattles in past month but no saddle feathers and possible hackles... No crowing or eggs... Help
Looks like a Black Minorca to me. And a pullet. Long frame, solid black, large flopped comb, white earlobes.
Can we get a better pic of the saddle area? Sure looks like a pullet, but I can't see the saddle feathers well in the pic, and there are some long hackle feathers in the head shot.....

It's not an australorp by any means. If those are the only two choices, it's got to be an Olive Egger. I'm guessing the blue egger parent was a CCL.
The comb doesn't seem right for either of those, I'd look into the breed listed above by another commenter. Mix ups happen and an olive egger being a mix I'd expect that a pea comb from the blue layer would be incompletely dominant and produce a pea comb on the offspring, I could be wrong and chicken genetics are crazy. I'd go with olive egger if you are sure that's the only choices but this gal fits the description of the Minorca listed above. Good luck! Keep us updated if you pin it down, I love this game :)
as for the oliveegger idea the odds of a pea comb and single comb cross results in pea comb chicks most then modified combs leaning towards pea type then some single comb chicks.imho and from hatching a bunch of oeggers!

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