Eastern Tennessee Thread

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So,,Ive been having fun researching fresh eggs and refrigeration. Ive arrived at two good points of view that I believe are probably valid.

1- It's the temperature fluctuation that's the issue here - eggs kept in the fridge = fine, eggs brought in from the hens and kept on the shelf = fine - it's when this line blurs that yuckies can cause a problem.
Example - Eggs bought from the fridge and kept on the shelf = Bad
Eggs brought out of the fridge, not used and returned to the cold = Bad.

Eggs need a steady temperature, so if you dont want to refrigerate them and have brought them in fresh,,,then store them in a cool and temperature steady environment like you might with potatoes.
If you do want to refrigerate them, then do so but dont later decide to take them out and leave them out. If you buy them from the store (yuk) then def. refrigerate them.

2-The whole myth that all your food needs to stay chilled is a conspiracy by Whirlpool and Frigidar to make us buy larger and larger refrigerators. The larger the better, so there is room in the secret panel in the rear to hide the mind control ray that causes us to vaccinate our children wich will contain more mind control drugs. Frigidar and Whirpool, of course, are owned by the secret government and they use the profits from appliance sales to buy more black helicopters.
Bairo, I absolutely AGREE with #2.

I'm pretty sure there is a black helicopter following me AS WE SPEAK.
I've heard this too through my Facebook page, but they really haven't given any updates about it. Last I was told it was only RIR's but I had asked if any other breeds would be there and never got an answer. However I work in Greene so I can check for you bario
Have you ever seen Orpington poop?? I sift my shavings with my sifting fork I use for the horse stalls. But on the good side....easier to scoop the poop!

nope...but if I get any more cochins, i have to figure in the price of a dog sized pooper scooper. (seems that way after it clumps together)

Speaking of chicken behavior. I built mine a nice new fresh 5-hole box. Guess what happened?? I found 7 eggs in ONE box and the rest empty. I think they plan that stuff just to have a good laugh at me the next day.

Bario....haven't you realized chickens really like to mess with you? They give the impression of being so docile and sweet...but I think they sit and conspire at night while we sleep. My hens are so picky with laying boxes it is not even funny anymore!
No wonder when I go to Lowes my DH finds me staring blankly, eyes glazed over.. at the top of the line bottom freezer fridges. By the time I get the spittle off my chin
and the buzzing out of my ears disappears I look at my fridge at home and keep telling it I hate it! Black helicopters....and here I thought they where very large buzzards!!! Think I will lay low for a while.
Oh dear NellaBean!!!!! If I knew I could get my Rosecombs sold I would take them in a heartbeat!! Lori showed me some of hers when I bought her D'Uccles. Someone please by the rosecombs!! Very nice pair and have viable fertile eggs already.
Have you ever seen Orpington poop?? I sift my shavings with my sifting fork I use for the horse stalls. But on the good side....easier to scoop the poop!

I would have warned you if I knew there was anything other than huge poo. I only have hefty girls, remember? But, hey, that explains why I heard other people talking about changing litter once a twice a year but my pens are gross after eight weeks. I use Sweet PDZ and DE to keep everything dry and that helps, but I still have to watch my step.

I use PDZ too,,,,also it you take a few minutes and use a sifter especially where the roost is...and then fluff the shavings you will be surprised how long they will last. Mine usually do for around 3 1/2 mo. depending on the weather. Longer if it is really hot and dry. Local coop and TSP have the sifters in the horse department.
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