Eastern Tennessee Thread

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OK AJ...just as soon as I finish this job i'm on now, i'll do the video on caponization. (I think that is a word, if not it is now)
I have 4 cockerals that are about 14 weeks old. Older than I would like for a capon, but better to show because the testes are larger. Actually I might get rid of them anyway after they heal up.

I knew I had one....but I also got three more out of five EE's
I have 3 Olive Egger at six week of age that I could donate..... Or if anyone is looking for a f2 olive egger male let me know. I also have a few extra Eng. Orps, but I think they are two old for canonization.
The hawk struck again this morning. I started letting them out again 2 days ago. I was thinking they where too big to carry off. Well I was right.

I was running after him he couldn't get off the ground. I got about 3 foot away from it then it dropped my chicken and flew off. One of my lt blue Olive EE pullets. I culled my flock and out of 45 EE's I only kept 5.

The light reflectors I put up didn't work. The sun wasn't up over the ridge yet. The kids and I where making a lot of noise getting out the door and walking to the bus stop. I looked over by the trampoline and there it was. It was looking at me. It took me a min to figure out what I was looking at. Like I said it was still a little dark.

That puts that hawk at 16 kills! Stupid bird of prey law!

The bad thing is I sold my splash roo so I cant get more Blue olive EE's this year.

I have the mutt blue copper maran hubby brought home friday. I am not breeding squirrel tail, crooked toes,droopy wings, straw colored feathers, and black eyes. Other than that he is a pretty bird if he wasn't a maran. If he'd been an EE I'd keep him.

I'm thinking hard about a great pyrenees. I don't know if he could keep the hawks away? What about a tom turkey would he scare the hawks away?
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Try an apple, possibly put peanut butter on it? The top 3 possum baits are fish, apples, and canned food. The first and last won't work unless you want to possibly trap a cat again.
I will try that. Thanks! My neighbor has at least 8 cats. I don't mind them so much except for they only eat mice and no rats, and they think my hay loft is a bathroom. The good news is I haven't had anymore problems with predators since I purchased the cage.
The hawk struck again this morning. I started letting them out again 2 days ago. I was thinking they where too big to carry off. Well I was right.

I was running after him he couldn't get off the ground. I got about 3 foot away from it then it dropped my chicken and flew off. One of my lt blue Olive EE pullets. I culled my flock and out of 45 EE's I only kept 5.

The light reflectors I put up didn't work. The sun wasn't up over the ridge yet. The kids and I where making a lot of noise getting out the door and walking to the bus stop. I looked over by the trampoline and there it was. It was looking at me. It took me a min to figure out what I was looking at. Like I said it was still a little dark.

That puts that hawk at 16 kills! Stupid bird of prey law!

The bad thing is I sold my splash roo so I cant get more Blue olive EE's this year.

I have the mutt blue copper maran hubby brought home friday. I am not breeding squirrel tail, crooked toes,droopy wings, straw colored feathers, and black eyes. Other than that he is a pretty bird if he wasn't a maran. If he'd been an EE I'd keep him.

I'm thinking hard about a great pyrenees. I don't know if he could keep the hawks away? What about a tom turkey would he scare the hawks away?
Well in morristown weve been told when foxes and whatever else tore into our pens that if they were killing caged animals and destroying personal property you can put them down. Unless the pyrenese stays right with the birds its unlikely to prevent an attack but it could take care of the problem.
OK AJ...just as soon as I finish this job i'm on now, i'll do the video on caponization. (I think that is a word, if not it is now)
I have 4 cockerals that are about 14 weeks old. Older than I would like for a capon, but better to show because the testes are larger. Actually I might get rid of them anyway after they heal up.

I knew I had one....but I also got three more out of five EE's
Cool, I have some 8 weeks and some 7 weeks and will be ready soon.
I have one that has a gangly leg that I was going to put down.

He gets around alright for the time being.
I may hold off and use him as the first one.

Can not wait to see the video, or come up and let you teach me.
WARNING: Some times my chickens are smarter than me.
The hawk struck again this morning. I started letting them out again 2 days ago. I was thinking they where too big to carry off. Well I was right.

I was running after him he couldn't get off the ground. I got about 3 foot away from it then it dropped my chicken and flew off. One of my lt blue Olive EE pullets. I culled my flock and out of 45 EE's I only kept 5.

The light reflectors I put up didn't work. The sun wasn't up over the ridge yet. The kids and I where making a lot of noise getting out the door and walking to the bus stop. I looked over by the trampoline and there it was. It was looking at me. It took me a min to figure out what I was looking at. Like I said it was still a little dark.

That puts that hawk at 16 kills! Stupid bird of prey law!

The bad thing is I sold my splash roo so I cant get more Blue olive EE's this year.

I have the mutt blue copper maran hubby brought home friday. I am not breeding squirrel tail, crooked toes,droopy wings, straw colored feathers, and black eyes. Other than that he is a pretty bird if he wasn't a maran. If he'd been an EE I'd keep him.

I'm thinking hard about a great pyrenees. I don't know if he could keep the hawks away? What about a tom turkey would he scare the hawks away?

GP will keep a hawk away by killing it as it swoops down! I don't know about turkeys.... I know there are some posts on here about turkey toms killing chickens. Of course, so do LGDs until they are trained. Either way, you might want some "martyr" chickens to put with the turkey or dog until you got them figured out.

What other thing? lol!!! PM and remind me. I got alot of things I do, so sorry if I'm not sure what thing. LOL!!!
I've read and been told many times that a goose will run off hawks and eat snakes. Soon as my DH let's me have one, I will free range one/two with my flock, I have a little tikes playhouse that would make a excellent goose house. Thanks for the collar link
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