Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Oops, I should have included that Tnchickenut. Never use freshly mulched trees/wood on your yard or garden, besides pests, there are tannins and stuff that must age out--for garden or yard use wait a year before using-- but for chickens right away is fine. I only use cypress mulch in my flower beds no pests like it, ages to a nice gray, and it does not float :D.
They do the free mulch here... just be careful of where you use it. If the tree they had chopped down had a disease or pests... you got them now. ;) My mother uses the free stuff from her town but only in certain parts of the yard. The neighbor she has dumps it everywhere and lost her Grannysmith and Japanese Maple to some burrowing bug. Just saying... biosecurity isn't only for chickens. :)
AND...speaking from experience...POISON IVY. We never had any til we got a load of mulch..(the stuff we had to pay for) and we have battled the stuff for 8 years now and I am very allergic to it. So...keep an eye out!
Oops, I should have included that Tnchickenut. Never use freshly mulched trees/wood on your yard or garden, besides pests, there are tannins and stuff that must age out--for garden or yard use wait a year before using-- but for chickens right away is fine. I only use cypress mulch in my flower beds no pests like it, ages to a nice gray, and it does not float :D.
We use a lot of Cyprus also....bonus is that it is cheap :)
Mixed in some cedar around a couple of bushes that had a bug problem also and it seemed to take care of it. I did not know they didn't like Cyprus either
Here is our newest addition to Ravens Run. "Pushers Misty Ghost Dancer"

He is not 48 hrs old yet and thinks he owns the world. I love it when we take them out for the first time and they figure out just what their legs will do.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Oh...I have a roo that needs a home. He is from my BS maran roo and a black star. Black stars look so much like my FC marans I have a hard time telling them apart unless I get them down and look at the legs. He is really beautiful if anyone is looking for a yard ornament.

Hey guys! Got home a couple hours ago from Oneida, we were out there camping
We stayed at the Big South Fork park in the Bandy Creek Campground. Lets just say it was awesome to get out and see what true "darkness" is! We had a campfire and stayed in a tent, we had a lot of fun for the hubby's b-day. Only problem was we left home without a lot of stuff, luckily there was a walmart on the way through the main road before hitting the back hairpin roads. Didn't see any bears, saw a fox and a deer though... We hiked a trail this morning and had a lot of fun in the rocks, I will post some photos as soon as I get a chance...

I think I will be glad when I get the meaties in the fridge, they are so bothersome... and eat way too much (on a good note looks to be mostly roosters which get bigger faster!)

I have eggs from TNbarnqueen going to lockdown Weds or Thurs... I have to candle them again to see how many look to be developing!
They do the free mulch here... just be careful of where you use it. If the tree they had chopped down had a disease or pests... you got them now. ;) My mother uses the free stuff from her town but only in certain parts of the yard. The neighbor she has dumps it everywhere and lost her Grannysmith and Japanese Maple to some burrowing bug. Just saying... biosecurity isn't only for chickens. :)

I just picked up some free leaf mulch from a local town that stores a huge pile of it. You make a very good point about the bugs. If I end up pulling in any unwanted I hope the ducks will take care of them. And another thing to be aware of is additional weed seed. I know I've introduced a few new varieties of plants by using horse manure.
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