Eastern Tennessee Thread

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So very sorry.

Thank you. I will never be a farmer (unless it is out of starvation) because I get attached to all my animals. I am very lucky to have a wonderful husband & son who will when asked do the right thing by the animal. If it were up to me I guess I would be showing up at my Vet and paying them to do it.
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I actually called them about 2 weeks ago and they called me back once to find out what exacly I was talking about, but that was the last time I heard from them.
They stay swamped. I usually just make a trip up there. Chickens are not their favorite thing to work with but, they are the only chick vets around.
If I'm just treating one bird I use Poli-Vi-Sol, the human infant vitamins. Make sure you get the kind without iron. You can get it just about anywhere. Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and any grocery store has it.

When I'm giving everyone vitamins I use Nutri-Drench because it has the per-gallon dosage on the bottle. I got mine at Tractor Supply, but it would probably be cheaper to order it online.

Vitamins, corrid, veterycin, Blu-Kote, Oxine, and some sort of antibiotic are all the things I keep on hand all the time in my first aid box. I also have Quick Stop and Vet wrap in anticipation of trimming spurs, but I haven't got that brave, yet.
Another important thing for your chicken first aid kit is Provlone Iodine. I keep a 50cc syringe full with a cap on it. It is to clean and disinfect wounds. The syringe makes it easier to get into the problem area especially if you are having to do it by yourself. It is the yellow stuff the swipe you down with before surgery. You can find it at any pharmacy and possibly Walmart.
Hey guys one of 3 little SG dorking chicks has an odd spot on him or her. On the top part of the rectum area there is what looks like a small bloody sac. Kinda like a small blister. No intestine hanging out or anything. I did clean it off with a baby wipe and it was bloody but not bleeding. Any ideas the chick is 4 days old and doesn't act like its bothering the chick at all.I took a pic but it was blurry. I just noticed it today and I don't think its been there since birth. Any one ever had this poblem with a chick?
Quote: Sorry for being short..I was walking out the door
Full sized birds = 1/2 cc
bantams = 1/4 cc

I write the exact per weight dosage on the page so people dont give me flack about being too general.
I actually practice the 1/2 cc dose though. Unless you are talking about a 10 lb Jersey or something, then I would do 3/4 cc

I think your loosing your touch. Those 4 cuckoo marans chicks I got a while back and asked about the difference in their color... well, I'll have to post some new pics tomorrow because I strongly think that 3 of them are Plymouth Rocks

One laid a light brown egg with a pinkish hue today (one of the first eggs)

I think your loosing your touch. Those 4 cuckoo marans chicks I got a while back and asked about the difference in their color... well, I'll have to post some new pics tomorrow because I strongly think that 3 of them are Plymouth Rocks

One laid a light brown egg with a pinkish hue today (one of the first eggs)
That sucks!
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