Eastern Tennessee Thread

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I have, but you live a good bit away from here. I've seen it at the LC Feeds store in Lenoir City. She's usually always has some, unfortunately, her prices have gone up once again due to prices rising everywhere and she can't compete with TSC prices because TSC gets some kind of discount from Purina. Mike the guy that works there said TSC should see a price change soon too and will start charging more
feed is getting ssooo expensive! I spent $42 on 3 bags of feed!

Figures! We used to go to Lenoir City every Tuesday and Friday to the ADESA Auction. My dad own a used car lot. But since the economy went bad. We mainly wholesale cars to other dealers. I signed up for the Purina 60 challenge to get coupons. So that was one reason why I went with Purina. Thanks for the reply.
I am haveing a bad night. Lost another hen and my good rooster today. Everyone will be locked up tomorrow. Neibor going to mow around coop too then. Good thing is i can put more eggs in bator that he sired.
I made a big move this week. I put took all of my boys out of the orpington pen and put them all in together in another pen in plain sight of the girls. I was afraid the boys would fight, but they seem to be doing just fine so far.
The girls seem VERY happy with the arrangement. I am through hatching for the season and the girls were starting to look a little raggedy. Let's just hope the peace continues...

Anyone else do this long term? Do I need to start work on a separate boys-only coop?
I had a boys-only pen all winter. The girls weren't laying and the boys were harrassing them. I'll be doing it again, too. I currently have a baby boy pen, as I grow out some future showbirds.
I've kept rooster coops before. I have a 4x8 coop with a 24x16 pen. Last year when I had a zillion birds, I converted it a rooster pen for TONS of roosters. They were mostly bantams but also a few large fowl. A few of the "lower" roosters on the totem pole were basically treated like hens. They all did fine, no major problems once it was established. HOWEVER, I could not ever remove a rooster and expect to return it to the pen. Even after just a day, the other boys would try to kill the 'newbie'.

The bright spot of having a rooster pen? The hens are happier and if all else fails, you can always "upgrade" a rooster. When the hawk attacks started happening, i upgraded an extra half dozen roosters to the big yard to help with hawk calls. Convenient!
I have two rooster coops right now. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't.... most the time it does, though. Little spats initially should be expected, though. Don't go thinking it's a failure too soon.

About feed prices: I won't comment. I get a employee discount and STILL spend more on poultry feed than my mortgage a month. That's all I'll say about that.... well, that and - Anyone want some birds?
Hey Guys,

Was just wondering if anyone had silkies. Towards the beginning of June I will be looking for some silkie eggs to put in my incubator. What I have in there now will be scheduled to hatch May 21st-25th and would like to hatch some silkies after this. Thanks !!
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