Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Show Quality Barred Rocks. I have eight five week olds $5 each,several that are 3months for $10 each and I have a few grown birds for $20 each.
@ Daph

I let the babes in with the big girls 3 days ago. I went out there last night to check on them and found one on the big girl roost bar (54 inches off the ground) and one was in the rafters with the current HIC (hen in charge)

Ill try to get a pic soon, but Kim is gone with the good camera
@ Daph

I let the babes in with the big girls 3 days ago. I went out there last night to check on them and found one on the big girl roost bar (54 inches off the ground) and one was in the rafters with the current HIC (hen in charge)

Ill try to get a pic soon, but Kim is gone with the good camera

Hey guys,
I had to go to New Orleans for work and just got back...

Yeah, the wheaties are definitely flyers. I had to put netting up over their run. My big butt girls don't need it. They stay put behind their 6 ft. fence, but the wheaties...
I'd love to see pictures of the girls.

A friend gave me pictures he took with a game cam at the back of my property. On June 30th, at 9:30 a.m. he got a picture of a huge, black coyote! I'll post the picture tomorrow. It makes me very, very grateful for electric fencing. That coyote might be the source of the yelps I hear every now and then coming from the coop area.
What kind of chicken is a Wheatie? That's really high for such a little chicken!
wheaten ameraucana. About the color of your avatar. Mine are also about the size of your avatar........crazy that 2 of them are already on the big girl roost and one made the second jump from there to the rafters. I cant believe my HIC did not knock her off.
Daph...you have a copy of this already im sure? I ran across a copy and wanted to post it.

  • \Wheaten x Wheaten = All Wheaten
  • Wheaten x Blue Wheaten = 1/2 Wheaten and 1/2 Blue Wheaten
  • Blue Wheaten x Blue Wheaten = 1/2 Blue Wheaten, 1/4 Wheaten and 1/4 Splash Wheaten.
  • Wheaten x Splash Wheaten = All Blue Wheaten
  • Blue Wheaten x Splash Wheaten = 1/2 Splash Wheaten and 1/2 Blue Wheaten
  • Splash Wheaten x Splash Wheaten = All Splash Wheaten
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