Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Well wish I could make it to picnic cause I sure am gonna miss stangs black bottom cupcakes
but alas UT has other ideas how I should spend my days. There are so many good cooks among us I really hate to miss it. Enjoy ya'll but think about me plugging away at work.
Everyone has been so busy posting worked 2 days come back to find 16 pages to catch up on.
Stang some cutey bunnies you got omg so very small !!!

Since the big molt hit was getting 1 or 2 eggs every couple days went out this am to find 3 very small beginning eggs finally some of my pols are getting started. They sure are little right now got used to those xl eggs.But thank goodness the chickeys are finally getting some feathers back they looked so pitiful being so nekked. Now my brahmas are starting to get nekked I feel so bad for them. Feathers every where you would think someone had killed a bunch in the runs. Been trying to keep the runs cleaned out with all those feathers. It looks like I could probably stuff several of those body pillows.
I call that "looking like a chicken exploded" LOL!!! My yard is the same. The Pekin Ducks are moulting now so it looks like snow is on the ground. LMAO
The problem with "trading" birds a lot is the diseases you could bring into your flock, so people are hesitant when it comes to just throwing birds around to other people and then taking someone else's birds in. How do we know you got your birds from clean sources if you're so persistent on trading? (Usually there are what we call "flippers" that get birds then flip them for a profit, these birds are the most susceptible to disease from the stresses of being moved several times, problem is, they're usually the "cheaper" birds). To answer your question, not many people that care for their birds "trade" a lot... Did you get the birds from a hatchery? Which one? Did you find them at the flea market? Do you have any more information to rest assure anyone on here that trading birds isn't going to bring a disease into our flocks? I don't like being blunt with people, but you're very persistent about trading instead of just selling what you have and then buying what you want.

Another problem I have seen with people is that they only know what the person told them so they get bad quality or the wrong breed all together. (Barred Rocks being sold as Dominiques, Columbian Rocks or Light Sussex being sold as Delawares.... just two examples) But yes, with a revolving door situation, you are setting yourself up for some nasty diseases... but if you are trading you won't even know you have diseases because you already passed it down the road. I'm with you Stang, I don't bother. If I want some birds, I'll buy them. I only traded with one person ever and it was Contrast. Some of my layers for some SFHs... but I already knew her on BYC. She wasn't a total stranger. I knew she ordered those birds and she knew I had bought mine as chicks.
This is why I have maintained a closed flock hoping the worst thing I get is bugs ie: lice, mites they are hard enough to fend off. Last fall with the mites almost drove me crazy since have been doing all of bairos preventive alternate permethrin & seven, worm twice a year & hope no wild birds bring in anything.
Oh Okay sorry to affend any one just going more for the bantys. I'm persistent because I would rather get rid of them before I have to cut there heads off. I got them from another breeder who was getting out of the chickens business thats all. I won't post any more trade Ideas here. I understand about the disease thing. AND NO I DON'T WANT TO GET RID OF THEM BUT THEY ARE GETTING TOO BIG FOR MY BACKYARD.
Oh Okay sorry to affend any one just going more for the bantys. I'm persistent because I would rather get rid of them before I have to cut there heads off. I got them from another breeder who was getting out of the chickens business thats all. I won't post any more trade Ideas here. I understand about the disease thing. AND NO I DON'T WANT TO GET RID OF THEM BUT THEY ARE GETTING TOO BIG FOR MY BACKYARD.
I can understand that... I tried Orps and Sussex and they were too big for my place. Like little turkeys!! Have you tried selling in the classifieds on BYC?
Oh Okay sorry to affend any one just going more for the bantys. I'm persistent because I would rather get rid of them before I have to cut there heads off. I got them from another breeder who was getting out of the chickens business thats all. I won't post any more trade Ideas here. I understand about the disease thing. AND NO I DON'T WANT TO GET RID OF THEM BUT THEY ARE GETTING TOO BIG FOR MY BACKYARD.
Well, I wasn't saying that you were a flipper or anything bad, I was telling you that if no one is jumping up and down saying they'll trade is because not many people are comfortable with it... I've traded before, its just I haven't ever traded half my flock to get a few of many other flocks. I can come off abrasive at times, but we've dealt with people trying to scam us on this site and had to deal with it.. some of our members don't know of these people and their persuasive ways, and newbies (including yourself) really need to be careful. You don't want to bring a disease into your flock. I'd still welcome the photos you said you'd take, because though you said you would you haven't gotten me a photo of the Cochins you have. I don't mind trading... but I want to look at what I'm getting beforehand. I'd like to see the facilities they're raised in... peace of mind.
It took me a long time, but I ended up finding homes for the Orps and Sussex... and they were English Orps and Coronation Sussex... you'd think people would be knocking down the door to get them. I gave alot away free to friends. But yeah, they were too big for what I have here. I'm slowly going more bantam too... just collecting as I go.

Speaking of... my Olandsk Dwarf eggs should be here today or tomorrow!!!! YES!! YES!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! She through in 3 Mottled Japanese eggs too... you know darn well I'm going to hatch three boys. lol. I don't care, they will be cute and I'll find girls at spring shows. (justifying this all to myself)
The girls are slowly becoming more accustomed to my son and I hanging around. They've come to realize that the cup I carry down there that has just a little bit of scratch grains in it is the calling card to come over. A few shakes of the cup and they all come running over.
They are all little piggies! As soon as they've scratched around and gotten everything eaten, they look at me like 'where's the rest'?

I'm counting on the sound of scratch grains in a cup being the way I can get them back into the coop the first time I let them out to free range. As I've said before, there's alot of dangers (mostly evening and night time though) that's made me a little apprehensive to let them out. I'm hoping in the next couple of weeks that I can start letting them out a couple hours before bed time so that they can do what they do best - hunt for bugs and such. Gotta remember to turn the hot wires off while they are out just in case one tries to circle around the pen to find the right opening to get in!

Does anyone have any good stories of the first time their new chicks were let loose to free range? Or of chickens that just didn't want to go back to their coop at night?
The girls are slowly becoming more accustomed to my son and I hanging around. They've come to realize that the cup I carry down there that has just a little bit of scratch grains in it is the calling card to come over. A few shakes of the cup and they all come running over.
They are all little piggies! As soon as they've scratched around and gotten everything eaten, they look at me like 'where's the rest'?

I'm counting on the sound of scratch grains in a cup being the way I can get them back into the coop the first time I let them out to free range. As I've said before, there's alot of dangers (mostly evening and night time though) that's made me a little apprehensive to let them out. I'm hoping in the next couple of weeks that I can start letting them out a couple hours before bed time so that they can do what they do best - hunt for bugs and such. Gotta remember to turn the hot wires off while they are out just in case one tries to circle around the pen to find the right opening to get in!

Does anyone have any good stories of the first time their new chicks were let loose to free range? Or of chickens that just didn't want to go back to their coop at night?

I have had both experiences. Sometimes they would go out and go back just by saying "Bedtime, in the house!" like my bantam Delawares have always done, even in the middle of the day.... other birds won't go in until they are good and ready and trying to get them in early will only make you irritate and looking crazy as the neighbors watch you circle and circle and circle the coops. LOL!!!

Tempting them with scratch is how I do my old LF Dels... i can kinda make it work for my Shiners, though they don't always fall for it.... I guess what I'm saying is, you won't know until it is happening. Most are good about it, though.

I know how scary it can be to think you just want to let them out and they might not come back, but trust me... chances are it will be fine. What kind are they again? The ones you got from bairo? They will go back... just leave them locked up (which you are) for a couple days to weeks before trying. Now, if they were games or some sort... I wouldn't ever chance it. They like trees and can fly like a normal bird. That said, my bantam games go to bed on their own, but I have them a aviary type thing to satisfy their desire to sleep high. They get up about 6 feet and sleep... and a large one I had show up once slept about 25ft up in a tree. She didn't last long... poor thing. Something ate her one night. She was truly wild, though and I would put her a feeder and waterer out but never got close to her. Awww now I'm missing her.
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