Eastern Washington

Wondering how much he weighed? It looks like we have another one to deal with (maybe even 2!!) and my hubs thinks they are still way too small to make it worth the effort. Not true?

Anyone know where I can, locally, get a couple of pullets? Since all the chicks are gone from feeds stores, I'm guessing we will have to look for some pullets? Craigslist is not giving me much. I'm pretty suspicious that yet another one of our 'pullets' is really a roo in disguise (this would make 3 out of 4 that turned out to be roosters!!!) so I'm trying to make a plan. I cannot imagine doing all the hard we have done and winding up with only 2 chickens until next year!
Wondering how much he weighed? It looks like we have another one to deal with (maybe even 2!!) and my hubs thinks they are still way too small to make it worth the effort. Not true?

Anyone know where I can, locally, get a couple of pullets? Since all the chicks are gone from feeds stores, I'm guessing we will have to look for some pullets? Craigslist is not giving me much. I'm pretty suspicious that yet another one of our 'pullets' is really a roo in disguise (this would make 3 out of 4 that turned out to be roosters!!!) so I'm trying to make a plan. I cannot imagine doing all the hard we have done and winding up with only 2 chickens until next year!

I have some chicks that I am waiting to see what sexes they are (I did not do the first two batches)...they are starting to develop and I will be selling. The first ones I hatched out are a BR/bantam cochin cross and I have 3 sexlinks (obviously pullets) that I put under my broody bantam cochin, along with a couple BR/cochin eggs that she hatched out. I also JUST hatched out some buff orpingtons. I am going to try wing/feather sexing them....but they are only days old. The older ones are 4 and 5 weeks old. I am a bit further for you - I'm in Omak. I will be putting them on CL here in a couple of weeks once I can see what they are developing into. The cockerls I will also sell or eat....whichever finalilzes by the end of the summer. And if you are not in a hurry, I am looking at getting some Maran eggs to hatch out. PM me if you are interested.
I was out at Aslin-Finch on the North side on Wednesday and they had a bunch of chicks then, mostly bantams though. They had shipments scheduled through the middle of next month when I ordered mine in Febrary...You may need to "pre-order" for the next batch.
Fantastic news!!!! Not sure I'm totally ready to do 'the chick thing' again so soon, but love the idea of having our chickens from the very beginning. I'll call around and see what's up!

4cats...a bit of a big drive I'm afraid, but if nothing turns up will certainly reconsider it.

Fantastic news!!!! Not sure I'm totally ready to do 'the chick thing' again so soon, but love the idea of having our chickens from the very beginning. I'll call around and see what's up!

4cats...a bit of a big drive I'm afraid, but if nothing turns up will certainly reconsider it.


Hey - no problem whatsoever - just want to help out/enable a fellow chick addict. DD and I hatching and raising and then selling chicks to help supplement our chick addiction. DD is going to be getting some Seramas to show. We have our layers also. I got the orpington eggs to hatch to complete our flock with a few pullets and a roo. Right now my banty roo is in with the big girls. We can come up with something to help both sides out if you are interested, although it might be fun for you to pick your own out of our crew. I am considering doing a third hatch - maybe some Marans.

DD and I have learned so much from BYC...the information on here is incredible. Good luck and best wishes.
Hey All!

I just joined the BYC community TODAY (YAY!!) and thanks to 4cats3kids1hubby2many I was able to locate this thread. I currently live in Cheney, WA. Someday is the near future we hope to get our own chickens but for now, we have to wait until our living situation changes.

DD and I frequent GreenBluff with our 1 year old daughter and I was wondering if any of you live up there? If so, do you sell farm fresh eggs? We would LOVE to support you and come take eggs off your hands next time we visit haha! I also LOVE chatting about chickens and learning from you all first hand, so I definitely wouldn't mind talking chickens with you all when we visit haha!

We were just up there for Mother's Day and went to Ellie's Edibles. The gal that owns it has TONS of chickens and we sat there for a while just talking to her about the different kinds of breeds she has and such. DD LOVED watching the chickens running around, she was so cute. We woud love to have more experiences like this, espcially since DH is trying to figure things out about chickens too. He's know about my love for them since started dating LOL

Looking forward to chatting with you all and maybe meeting some of you!
I am over here in Yakima right now, but in one month will be moving home to North Idaho. Spirit Lake. I am putting together a swap and meet others day at the local park (pending approval of city hall, but looks like a go) Would love to have you all there to share. I am planning it for the 25 of June. Plenty of time to hatch new babes if anyone is willing to sell them that day. I am also going to have some crafters and there will be a live band from 5pm-9pm. Should be a fun day. Ya'll let me know if you want to join in.
Welcome to this site. I am glad you found it. There are so many right in your own backyard. Many refer to me as 4312...so feel free. Enjoy.

What does 4312 stand for?? LOL
Welcome to this site. I am glad you found it. There are so many right in your own backyard. Many refer to me as 4312...so feel free. Enjoy.

What does 4312 stand for?? LOL

the 4 cats 3 kids and 1 husband 2 many (LOL).
I should have added the 5 dogs too, but at the time I started this name I only had 3....gained 2 more since I started the name. And please don't anyone take it wrong....I love my family.

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