Eat the comb or feet?

If you heat them up for 2 to 3 minutes in 160 F water, the skin on the feet plus the nails, should come right off in the tumbler.
Assuming the tumbler is a reference to a plucker - I wish! It's all hand-plucking around here. Will keep this in mind for the day I finally get a plucker, sounds way easier!
Will keep this in mind for the day I finally get a plucker, sounds way easier!
I bought the smallest chicken plucker from Hatch Time, it can only do 1-2 at a time. The motor is really small compared to the Kitchenaid plucker on Amazon and they cost the same. However, I can't really complain since my small plucker is water proof, light weight, easy to clean and it does a decent job. Anyway, I can only do 4 at a time, I get tired and don't want to do anymore after that, so it works for me.

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