Eat the first egg?


10 Years
May 17, 2009
Ok, DH is telling me that for some reason you can not eat the first eggs laid? He cannot remember why or where he read this.

We are still waiting on our first eggs from our 24 wk old BO's and I had told my LO that any egg, no matter what time of day would be scrambled, cooked, and eaten in celebration right away...Any reason why no?

Enlighten me- is DH just pulling my leg?
We've eaten several first eggs with no ill effects
I've heard that you shouldn't try to hatch the first eggs, but never that you shouldn't eat them. We ate every one of ours!
I think that came from an old wives tale.
My country as cornbread grandma never would eat the 1st 2 weeks of eggs laid, she'd say "them girls gotta get the hang of it first!" LOL! I am sure you can eat it.. but just to keep with my dear old Grandma's tradtions, we wait 2 weeks before we'll eat the eggs. We did give them to the neighbors, and used some in brownies. Hope Mamaw doesn't mind! hehe!!
We have been eating all of them and giving some away now. My 12 BO started laying the first eggs on week 22 with 2. Up to week 26 and getting 9 a day now. The first ones are always puny. I have a few now in the JUMBO range! Several double yokers too! They have all been tasty any way we have cooked them! ENJOY!! Have FUN!!
just break them into a small glass dish and check them over before you add them to your mix/pan. Like any egg, there can be blood spots, pigment bits or other strange things in there.

The first eggs went to the eldest son, who had done much work to get to that point.

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