Eating a goose??

Thank you for contributing to the conversation.

Notice that I also said, "or are bred by disagreeable people so that they are well-suited to meat production but are not very personable."

Which is very true.

When I said it was a disconnection from nature, I did not mean that it's not natural... Everything we do with animals in captivity is unnatural, that much is obvious. What I meant to say is that if people seem to hold so little regard for animals that they have personal spite towards them, that is a bit of a disconnection from animals themselves.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, and thank you for your very nice comments.
So what if half of my geese are "disagreeable" but the other half are not? Am I only half disagreeable?

It doesn't really make sense. On the one hand you are asking for everyone to assume that geese have personalities, yet you are assigning blame on the owners if the goose has a disagreeable personality. You further insinuate that only the owner can be responsible for a goose having a disagreeable personality.

Wow - that made me dizzy!
I think it would mean that half of your geese were bred in disagreement.

I have no idea.

If I ever need someone to represent me I'm choosing Adrian!
I'm gonna add my 2 cents worth just for giggles. No offense to anyone.
I love geese. Much more than the chickens or ducks or peafowl. That
being said, I think a goose is much more intelligent than other breeds
of fowl and can be personable and very likable. I have no plans to
butcher one or raise them for food because I'm simply no going to
raise a pet and then kill it. I keep my flock in check and eat the
eggs regularly. I also have no problem with others raising meat birds
and butchering them. They were all originally bred for food and eggs
but we have all gotten away from that due to the availability of the
grocery store. Its just something I'm uncomfortable with. Goosedragon
is just stating what he does and I'm good with that. They eat well
and are delicious, I'll eat one in a skinny minute, I just won't kill one.
We are overrun with deer here in Edisto Island but I don't hunt them.
My friends do and keep me stocked with deer every season because
we give them eggs, pretty nice of them and its good for you and
we enjoy it. I guess it would be easier to kill a mean goose than
a nice one, I have no idea and I think that has little to do with it,
although I thought about it on occasion when the Peafowl are breeding,
I kind of wondered what they would taste like. Fried peafowl probably
is not that bad. Especially if you are hungry. I've never eaten a dog but
have eaten horse while in South Africa along with some monkey and
a kangaroo in Australia and both were fine.
Its kind of unfair to judge others on what they eat and process and I
imagine the original poster has no trouble eating processed chicken
or beef, there is really little difference. The humane butchering of
animals is a part of life and if done with kindness and humility its
fine, keep in mind its not torture, its to feed a family.
I love my geese but prefer to keep them outside. I've never slept
with one and don't plan on it but I'd like to hear those details.

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