Eating chicken


I knew before I started raising dual purpose chickens and hatching eggs, that cockerels are "a dime a dozen" and fairly unwanted by most. Knew I could sell extra pullets , so just planned on putting the cockerels on my table.

I love a chicken meal and prefer it to have flavor and a bit of maturity. I know "my boys" are loved by me, well taken care of, what has gone into them, and they have little to no stress at butcher time.
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Tried to eat the last rooster that I had to get rid of. He tasted terrible! Must have been the way I cooked him, or maybe because the feed we use is fish-protein based. I prefer the roasted chickens from Costco! So I sell my extra roos and it saves me a lot of trouble.
Not really interested in having any of them butchered, but if the cockerel gets too big for his britches..............well, we might reconsider.

Thanks for the compliments on our dog, Layla. When the chickens are outside, she will occasionally charge the fence, just to watch them scatter. The cockerel will stand his ground, ready for a fight! But as long as I'm around, she won't hurt them. She has been in the run with them, and no problem. No telling what she'd do if I weren't around.

Well I told my husband that is what we would do but I get rid of my roo's quickly so I don't actually have to do that!
Not right now, but if I can move in with my fiance and help with his business, when the hens stop laying I would like to butcher some instead of him just having to give them away to some big company to 'do the deed'. I wouldn't mine butchering some mean roo's though
and would like to try meat birds. I would hope I could do it, since I've never done it..but I think I would be able to do it.

ETA!: Right after I hit submit I remembered Im on my fiance's account!!! This is Tiramisu lol.
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Personally ours are pets, each have a name and personality although some are more personalities than others, I couldn't kill them and certainly not enjoy eating one. I still eat chicken, but birds that are already ready for the table, couldn't eat one I knew personally. wow I use personally a lot don't I ?
I've raised meat birds and have had no problem butchering and eating them. In the past, I've balked at butchering the laying hens and pretty roosters, but have decided that I want a dual-purpose flock which means butchering the cockrels and extra hens. My laying hens will be butchered when they're no longer productive. Canned chicken over rice is a great meal! I don't name my chickens or make pets out of them. It's much easier to kill and eat them that way. I learned a long time ago with a steer I raised - never name your food!

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