Eating eggs from your own chickens?

I have trouble eating eggs at all anymore. Last year I went on the Atkins diet and ate 2 eggs every day for breakfast and sometimes 3 hardboiled eggs for lunch. Also, I can't eat duck eggs, as I'm severly allergic to them. Maybe by next year I'll love eggs again the way I used to.
i havnt got any eggs from my chickens yet, still a month or so to go
maybe more...

and when i get my first egg, ima eat it

i dont think im gonna be freaked out by it, store bought eggs come from the exact same place, so whats the difference other than better, fresher eggs. mmmmm
<---- pretend thats scrambled eggs. lol
You have a peach tree, you eat the peaches produced, even though that peach could become another tree if the seed is planted and nurtured. You have a laying hen, you eat the eggs she produces, even though IF fertilized, that egg could hatch into a chick. Understanding and accepting the sources of our food is important. I fear that if we (nation, world) distance ourselves more and more from hands-on production of our food or at least having a clear understanding of where it comes from and how it comes to us, our food-future is riskier and riskier. Here's to all of us eating and enjoying the abundant, rich, and delicious eggs of our pampered hens. ~G
Ditto here - I may get a really fancy omelet where the eggs are more the base, not the main flavor, but for just eggs? No, only homegrown now. Although the girls did decide to totally stop laying for a couple months this winter (last year they slowed down but we still had enough) - I had to buy eggs for a little while. Got the fancy expensive ones (free-range organic soy-free feed, somewhat local) and though better than the cheapies, they were nowhere like our own.

I was very aware of the first egg I ate from our hens but it quickly became ordinary. The first meat from our birds was a little more difficult, but we got over that too. I'm looking forward to the first guinea egg... And then maybe ducks (which we don't actually have yet but I can hope...)
I had the same thing too, but with my Meaties, not so much with eggs. Actually not with the eggs at all. The Meaties I was fine with after the first one- absolutely.

Now- the one thing I couldn't stomach, and still can't is an egg from my ducks. It's totally a psychological thing. Everyone else tells me I'm crazy for not liking them.

I'm fine sticking with my chicken eggs
Actually, I'm kind of the opposite of the OP and any others that don't like their hen eggs. I really don't or never have cared that much for store eggs. Oh, I'll eat them, but nothing compares (in my book) to real eggs.

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