Eating fertile Eggs.

The only way to know if an egg is fertilized or not is by looking at the white bullseye spot on the yolk. There is nothing on the shell to tell you that it is fertilized, also, I don't know what the black dot was, but that also has nothing with the egg being fertilized or not. Also, all eggs are warm just after the hen lays them.

My point was just laid, still warm and I refrigerated it. My eggs are almost always warm when collected.
My fertile eggs only have the white bullseye in the yolk that a previous poster noted. The black spot more than likely was a blood spot, part of the hen's oviduct or blood from the oviduct while the egg was being formed. I've never heard of a way to tell by looking at the shell.
So many people think the chalaza is 'rooster sperm'. We have had MANY people come to BYC and express how they candled fresh eggs and could see they were fertile by looking for the stringy parts on the yolk.

This myth needs to stop.

The chalaza is NOT rooster sperm as so many like to call it. It is nothing more than a membrane that holds the yolk in place while suspended in the egg white.

There are only two ways to determine an egg is fertile.

1. Crack it open and look for the bullseye on the yolk.

2. Incubate it for 3 or 4 days and look for the veins that show signs of growth.

An egg must be incubated artificially in an incubator or naturally by a chicken for at least 24 - 36 hours for the cell development of the embryo the begin.

Eggs must be collected as often as possible daily.

Haphazardly collecting eggs and not taking care to make sure you collect them all daily will indeed leave you with a surprise you do not want.
Thank you for that valuable information, MissPrissy!
Or maybe you have ANTI-phobia that MP was talking about.

I had a Lady whos DS is in scouts with my DS tell me that fertilized eggs were poisonous, I sure hope not.
Actually, from what my parents have told me, fertile eggs are actually better and healthier to eat than non-fertile eggs. And in China (I think) it is considered a delicacy(sp?) to eat a chick thats half way developed in the egg. Kind of gross I know, but fertile eggs are "good".
This is a good reminder for me to make sure eggs are gathered daily!!!! When out of town discard all eggs laid while gone!!!

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