Eating Healthy

Feb 28

crustless spinach quiche
bread with butter
coffee w/ 1% milk

small samosa
mixed sald with chicken and 2 tbps dressing

bread w/ butter

Chicken breasts cooked with onions, tomatoes, garlic, chick peas, lemon and spices
ww cous cous
mixed salad
bread with butter

Too much bread and butter yesterday, but otherwise OK

Feb 29

crustless spinach quiche (I make one on the weekend and nobody else eats it, so breakfast for the week)
coffee/ambrosia of the gods

leftover chicken with chickpea stuff


strawberry smoothie

ricotta with chocolate sauce
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Feb 29

Breakfast: Boiled egg (boring but good) and the usual coffees.

Lunch: california burger no roll (doing the lowcarb thing) cup of tea.

Dinner: 3 pieces of cheddar cheese, and some locarb chocolate. Give me a break, it's tax season and I don't feel so well today.
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Breakfast: hi-fiber crunchy-things cereal w/milk
little bit of dark chocolate

too many pretzels even though they were multigrain or w.w. or some such thing

Lunch sauerkraut w/ slice of leftover roast pork

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Why do I get the feeling that wasn't a compliment??


I just ate 3/4 cup of almond M&M's, instead of the 1/4 cup serving I meant to eat...
Feb 29


1 scrambled egg
1 slice of cheese
2 slices whole grain bread
1 tbs miracle whip light

No Lunch
Was at work, lost track of time

3/4 cup whole wheat penne pasta
1/2 cup organic marinara w/ homemade veggie sausage
1.5 c broccoli,cauliflower,carrot blend
4oz Merlot
1oz whiskey-after dinner

1/2 cup cottage cheese
3 pickle spears
1 low carb tortilla with hummus
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OK, I'm going to jump on the band wagon here in hopes that I can stay focused on eating healthier. As a whole, my family tries to eat as natural, as organic & healthy as possible, but I think we can do a little better. Due to illness I have a low metabolism and energy, so I'm on a plan to help energize me. I'm trying to be more diligent in remembering to take my vitamins, b/c I know that can only help. I had a 6 hr iron transfusion the end of Nov and I have a little more energy. Due to illness I was serverly anemic, but w/ the transfusion I don't have to take the horrible high iron pills and it should restore my body the it's iron supply for a whole yr...pretty amazing, huh. The low energy has been devasting, b/c I use to be a ball of energy and go non that has been depressing, but it's getting better. I am staying positive. I do weight training 2 x's a week, but haven't had the energy lately to my usual cardio & yoga routine, but hopefully I will soon. I try not to miss the weight training or I'd really feel like crap. I've been active my whole life, but about 10 - 11 yrs ago my metabolism pretty much stopped and it's been a struggle to maintain my perfect weight since then. I have great Doctors that are getting me balanced. I unfortunately have bad genetics and If I wasn't as healthy as I am would be way worse off than I am. hopefully posting here can help me stay on track.

(Thur) Feb. 28th:
Lots of coffee w/ fat free liquid coffee mate creamer (can't help it...I'm addicted)
2 eggs & a piece of toast

Muscel Milk protein drink (Chocolate) 17 oz

Late Morning:
Protein bar

Chicken salad
Caff free diet coke ( Bad vise)
Gosh....can't remember what else....I know I ate more than that!

Late afternoon:
Another Muscel Milk protein Drink

Homemade chicken noodle soup

4 atomic fireballs (another bad vise)
I was craving sugar...probable b/c I had carbs at dinner.
Feb 29


1 banana


1 banana

between 12 and 2:

4 ham and cheese on rolls


16 oz of milk


Popcorn with butter and salt

Lots of water today.


2 bowls of chicken long wild rice soup
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I'm going to join in, just a couple days late. It's a good idea. I need to keep track for a headache diary.

If any of you run across healthy eating advice that seriously does NOT aim for you to loose weight, please let me know. I get -waay- low when I'm stressed/ill, and all diet books focus on loosing, not gaining!

Thursday 28th
hot carob milk, toast slice, nectarine, dried fruit

pickled egg

slice of tomato
roast venison
beef veg. soup. from a can

2 glass water

Friday 29th
herbal tea w/ honey (3), water(3) white wine (1)

dried fruit, 2 fried eggs, peach jello
4corn tortillas, pickled egg, nectarine, 1 conversation heart
cup clam chowder, quiche lorraine, mixed green salad/italian, slice of melon, slice white bread
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Feb. 29 - Happy Leap Day!

Breakfast - 1 pkg of whole-grain pop tarts (apple), 1 caprisun (wild cherry)

Lunch - Subway's Italian BMT, lots of veggies, 6 inch Italian herb & cheese bread, cheddar cheese, easy on the creamy Italian dressing, baked Lays chips (sour cream & onion), diet coke

Snack - hashbrown & egg bake, 1 small granny smith apple

Impulse Buy - large fries from McDonalds (my weakness)

Dinnner - slow cooked Rhode Island Red cockerel (with carrots, potatos, and onion), spinach

H2O (16 oz) - III
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