eating your pet open discussion

LOL - Heaven help the chicken keeper who has the misfortune of becoming suddenly unconscious within reach of their flock.........
Been a recurring nightmare of mine for a while now, OGM!
Society is in trouble when folks feel like they have to ask the question "is it right to butcher and eat my chickens?"  First, it's their chicken.  They can do with that chicken what they will.  Second, because someone else chooses to name a chicken a "pet" doesn't infer that somehow all chickens should be considered pets and that by butchering one you are "eating your pet".  Third, being unable to provide food for your family because you feel bad for an animal is, in my opinion, irresponsible.  It places you and your family in the position of having to rely on others to feed your family.  And that is a very bad position to be in.

I dont think that was the question, just is it wrong to eat a chicken that has become a pet. I have many birds and a have every intention of eating most of them. One has befriended my mom and become a pet and as such I will do my best to keep her as long as she lives. That said if food becomes a problem....she is a chicken. I think you would do people a disservice by insisting that either answer be all or nothing, then again I think people who will not butcher regardless do themselves and their kids a disservice by hiding where their food comes from.
LOL - Heaven help the chicken keeper who has the misfortune of becoming suddenly unconscious within reach of their flock.........

ROFLMAO! They will not waste anything! Every part of you will nourish your flock. Ha ha, I forgive my flock in advance, just like the cats! Not their fault we drop dead in the coop or run then fail to feed them LOL! A Bird has to Eat! If the only food around is their dead human Mom, well so be it!
ROFLMAO! They will not waste anything! Every part of you will nourish your flock. Ha ha, I forgive my flock in advance, just like the cats! Not their fault we drop dead in the coop or run then fail to feed them LOL! A Bird has to Eat! If the only food around is their dead human Mom, well so be it!

LOL! Is this thread gearing toward "Stephen King" mini story? now am turning into vegetarian.
""""do you agree with eating your chickens?""""

We can't eat what we raise, even if it was a cow...But of course don't object as we eat 5+lbs of someone else's chickens a week! LOL
Chickens aren't pets. They're livestock. There's no reason not to be nice to them, but they are food sources. Cow farmers pet the cows, pig farmers pet the.....well maybe not, pigs bite. There's no reason not to give a chicken a good life before it eventually serves its purpose.
Ive butchered my own chickens in the past but I always used the cornish cross and I dont mess with them other than to feed and water them. I also have other chicks that will be used for eggs. As long as the animal is humanely butchered I have no issues with eating my own chickens. Last year I had a mean rooster (EE) that kept flogging me every time I turned around. No matter what I did to try to exert dominance over him he still kept flogging me. I sent him to freezer camp needless to say.
Chickens aren't pets. They're livestock. but they are food sources.
Seriously though, our chickens and ducks are no less pets like our dogs, each has a name, some respond to that name and all give great pleasure like any pet would!
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