EcoGlow reviews??

I love my EcoGlow! Soooooo much better that a heat lamp. I didn't like keeping the top clean either, so I have come up with my own technique. I just take a piece of printer/copy paper and put a small piece of double sided tape and tape the paper to the brooder. The tape keeps the paper from falling off and I just replace it every day to keep things tidy. They will be 3 weeks old on Monday and they really hardly use it at all anymore except to take off a chill or at night and the room is only @ 60 degrees! They are so happy and never act cold. Tell me again why we keep our chicks so hot with heat lamps? I am also thinking that the adjustment will be much easier on them when the time comes to put them outside.

Here is a picture of them at a week old. I have since adjusted the Ecoglow to the second level now that they are a bit bigger. That chick peeking over the top cracks me up!

I just ordered an ecoglow using the easter coupon code. Though the ecoglow 50 is available for preorder, I kinda just wanted the 20, since I won't have many chicks.
I ordered an EcoGlow today and cannot wait to use it with my little chicks due to arrive the week of Sept 26th! I am a newbie and preparing ahead and honestly someone lent me a metal brooder with a turn style adjustable light bulb thingy and it was stressing me out just trying to reach a stable temp. So I thought okay I will just to what everyone else does and get a heat lamp, then we need to think about contant temp monitoring and adjusting again...

I am thankful to read so many postive remarks about the EcoGlow- aside from first few days chicks hiding under and poop on the top, it sounds to me like a perfect match for our family! Well worth the cost not to have to deal with temp headaches and I am hoping it will help with the transition to cold New England weather, I will be putting these guys in the coop come November, not exactly balmy temps
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I just want to say that I used the ecoglow with my chicks (back in April) and I would never dream of using something else. I was stressing about the heat lamp; being afraid that it would catch on fire for one, but mostly because it's so completely unnatural. It took about 3 seconds for the chicks to figure out that they need to go under it when they get cold (a gentle toss underneath initially and they got it!). It was so awesome watching them run around in the brooder and then zoom under the ecoglow for a minute or two to warm back up.

I never worried about it catching fire, or getting too warm/cold. It was natural, like their momma.

They do absolutely poop all over it, but it wasn't a big deal. Just wipe it off with a paper towel, and it was fine. I never even took it out to clean it. I noticed that as they got older sometimes they'd just sit on top to get warm instead of going underneath. So it's a great versatile machine. Good luck with your chicks! I've LOVED becoming a first time chicken-mama!
I'm a first-timer and got an EcoGlow for my 5 chicks ordered from MPC.
I may not be as good a judge as someone who would use it during cooler months (I got my chicks in mid-July) but I highly recommend it! Worth every penny.
Most importantly, the chicks seemed to like it a lot, too!
At 7 weeks, it is still in their brooder (turned off) and being used as a roost.
I think they'd have fits if I removed it.

I was very careful to monitor temperatures in the brooder during the first few weeks--The brooder was in my garage but we were in the midst of a heatwave and my garage temperature was unpredictable and fluctuating.
Directly below the EcoGlow, set at it's lowest height, the temperature read a constant 94-degrees (again, this was in my garage around mid July).
It served them well for the first week at that height, then I raised it to the mid level to drop the temperature. Because of their growth and the ambient heat, I soon raised it to the highest level until I was able to turn it off (less than 4 weeks)

The chicks either slept beneath it or found an area nearby that was a suitable temperature. It was very cute to see them settled in beneath it at bedtime, lined up in a row!
I got the sense that it made the chicks feel very secure and gave them a warm, safe place to run to if they got frightened or felt picked on by the others (just like a hen would provide.)

As I said, at 7 weeks, it's now serving as a roost (Thankfully, it's easily cleaned!) and they sometimes squabble over who gets to roost up there. My bantam is the only one who can still easily squeeze underneath. It's where she usully runs to enjoy a treat she found and doesn't want to share with the others!

I can't tell you if it saved me money on my electric bill, but it was nice to have the peace of mind that it wouldn't cause a fire, and to not have to fiddle with the positioning of a bulb up or down, left, right or sideways!
this is all so encouraging! so your chicks are still in the garage with no heat at any time, and they still find comfort in the ecoglow? I wonder if the ecoglow is safe to use in the outdoor coop? I would think it would be the same as a red lamp only safer?
I just want to say that I used the ecoglow with my chicks (back in April) and I would never dream of using something else. I was stressing about the heat lamp; being afraid that it would catch on fire for one, but mostly because it's so completely unnatural. It took about 3 seconds for the chicks to figure out that they need to go under it when they get cold (a gentle toss underneath initially and they got it!). It was so awesome watching them run around in the brooder and then zoom under the ecoglow for a minute or two to warm back up.

I never worried about it catching fire, or getting too warm/cold. It was natural, like their momma.

They do absolutely poop all over it, but it wasn't a big deal. Just wipe it off with a paper towel, and it was fine. I never even took it out to clean it. I noticed that as they got older sometimes they'd just sit on top to get warm instead of going underneath. So it's a great versatile machine. Good luck with your chicks! I've LOVED becoming a first time chicken-mama!

so nice to hear! i cant wait to get my chicks and see them huddle and have fun. I should have gone with all Red Star sex linked then I would have them next week....
I've got one of these too, all set up and waiting for my lot to hatch, one thing I was wondering was at what age should I adjust it to the next height level for bantam chicks?

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