Ed, the VERY naughty pony!

Thanks for the background info on that video. Do you have, or can you make a video showing what a great little pony he was most of the time? We want to end on a good note too! Thanks.
hi.. thank you for your reply. to try and put the balance back into this story i put on you tube a video called.... ed being good, so if you go to you tube and type in ed being good it should come up. i have also put clips of ross with his new pony PIP as he started to get a little big for ed. thank you for taking the time to reply.
ross had alot of fun with ed and i believe thats what riding is all about when your a kid its not about the trophies you got to win. ross is not an excelent rider he is just kid having fun, falls and all.
kind regards mandy
yes the views are high, most people can see it in the context it was meant and most comments are pos. i fully understand the neg side to.... i film ross alot, not for entertainment, but for the memories, beit good or bad.... so many have said OMG that reminds me of my pony 40yrs ago, yes ed was a little sh** some of the time... but was wonderful MOST of the time. i have hours and hours and hours of ross riding ed, the naughty bits were less than 3 mins.... and they were only put together to show trainer WHEN HE WAS BAD HE WAS BAD. did not want to send him away for two weeks and they find no problem, cos when he was good he was very good...... " A MOTHERS DREAM" lol. but ross loved him like everyone loves there pony when they got that bond that ross and ed had.....
alot of kids dont have that bond anymore, the push button ponies have got only one job to do, and that is go in the show ring and beat all others, and if they dont god help them, have a tatrum and demand a new pony cos it didnt win anything. ross is not like that... he loved ed for the friendship they had together. ross used to ride ed and sing to him...... lol.
regards mandy

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