Eddie Vedder the Northern Illinois mixed bantam splash cockerel

6chickens in St. Charles

10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
St. Charles, IL
June 30 Mr. Eddie Vedder will be a one year old rooster.
His dad is a blue Silkie, his mom is either red EE or mixed Silkie/black rosecomb.
He is a good pet bird.
He is cold hardy.
He is an excellent rooster for hens, takes good care of his ladies, feeds them, beds them down to lay eggs, puts them to bed at night, corralls them away from danger etc. He is also very sociable with us and would probably be sociable with another patient family.
His vocal talents are unrivaled. His name used to be Pearl until it became evident he was a boy; his feathers have a pearlescent gleam but is presently heading toward "brassy splash" in color.
He has extra (Silkie) toes and feathered feet, and "vulture hocks" feathered legs.

Eddie is a gentleman who can land with polite manners into our outstretched hand, responds to his name and seeks attention "just to have little talks". He makes a nice contribution to city or suburban gardens, if the neighbors don't mind his unusual vocal talent!

Not recommended if you already have roosters.

here is a video of him crowing. (below)

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Can't have roos but he's adorable!

I'm not far from you (South Elgin) wonder if you might have some girls for sale. We're hoping to have a couple silky girls and a few laying hens.


Feel free to PM.
I DO INDEED have a neighbor with silkies needing homes. I do not have any girls for sale, sorry. PM me for Silkies info I can pass on yours to my neighbor! Hers are hatchery pure Silkies.

I have a mixed Silkie cockerel who may want to move to a good home, but only if he can be as spoilt as he is here. He's kind of prissy.

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