Edmonton Alberta Support needed!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 17, 2009
To All Urban Chicken Supporters – Let’s Get Crackin’!

You may have seen the excellent articles in the Edmonton Journal on Saturday, April 10 regarding urban chicken keeping in Canada, including the proposal we (The River City Chickens Collective) have submitted. The article accurately indicated that the Planning Department of the City of Edmonton is on the verge of making a decision whether they will allow our proposed pilot project for a small number of Edmonton families to keep chickens in their yards for one year. The proposal outlines a very carefully thought out set of guidelines that reflect the best practises of municipalities throughout North America that allow chickens.

Given that this initiative has now become public, it is critical that people who support the goal of local food security voice their support for this proposal. In virtually all cities where chickens have been legalized, there has been a small, but very vocal, anti-chicken lobby (often including the poultry industry). We need to make sure that the Planning Department hears that the majority of Edmontonians support this proposal.

You can help by doing the following 2 things:

1. Send a brief email, attention John Wilson, City Planning Department to [email protected] . Indicate that you saw the article in the Edmonton Journal and you think that allowing chickens in Edmonton would be a great thing to do. Feel free to elaborate on the reasons why. If you have not seen the article, you can see it at the address below. You may also choose to cc city councilors at [email protected] .

2. Go to the Edmonton Journal at: http://www.edmontonjournal.com/news/Edmonton+mulls+urban+chicken+coops/2786201/story.html and post a brief comment following the article. This is also an important place to continue to show public support.

If you are interested in getting more involved in this important work, you can sign up on the River City Chickens Yahoo group by going to www.ca.groups.yahoo.com and entering “river city chickens” into the “find a group” search. Follow the prompts from there. Information about group meetings is communicated through the group list serve.

Onward and Upward!

the Rivercity Chickens Collective

Please share this email with others – thank you!
Hi there, things seemed to have died down on this topic for the discussions on the completion of Urban Hens in Edmonton.
I'm trying get the Bylaws here changed, but I was waiting to hear more details. Do you know when the results will go back to city for a final decision?? Super happy evrythings going great in Fredricton, NB since they've allowed chickens for 2 years now with the only complaint being the cost to apply to be allowed chickens.

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