Educated guesses, as to this breed?


13 Years
May 13, 2010
Murrieta, CA
Good morning...Happy Easter!

The hubby went to the feed store to pick up 4 Black Australorps. At 2 1/2 weeks old, this is what I have. Something tells me these aren't Australorps, but Barred Rocks. Then again, I look at the feathered feet, and now I have no clue. Help, please! :)


This is a photo of a barred Cochin chick at two weeks old.
Do chochins of this breed have feathery feet and the pullets don't or do they both? I have three but are only one week. I don't believe astrolorps have the spot on their head.
Do chochins of this breed have feathery feet and the pullets don't or do they both? I have three but are only one week. I don't believe astrolorps have the spot on their head.
Both genders of Cochin should have feathered feet--it is a breed characteristic. A few hatchery-quality birds might not have feathered legs, though. And as far as I know, australorps don't have white head spots.

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