Oh no! Sounds a bit like we get it here at times. Fast. The wind here..oh boy. We get microbursts that are unreal. Smaller tent? Did it stay put?
The tent is only 9’ X 7’. We sleep along the 9’, so Duckling kept that side grounded, but the stake blew up, and the pole bent so her side was more like 5’ instead of 7’ long. I slid down to hold the tent down (the whole thing was trying to take off, I swear!) from the top to bottom of my 7’. By morning, Duckling had been blown into me, and my 9x7 tent was 5’ X 4’ and 5’.
If it weren’t a Coleman, I think the poles would have snapped.
I am glad Duckling has so much faith in me. However, one word of discomfort, and I would have gone inside to my bed, and let the tent blow away. It actually did during a milder storm yesterday. The bedding wasn’t enough to keep it put.
Oh my goodness! No kidding, this is happening wind..after I posted that, went to check another thread..and here it came. Crazy. Hey whites, they earned their bucks today. :lol:
My recently departed brother was being born while I was shoveling 17" of "variable cloudiness" off the walk; the same 17" that kept the weatherman from getting to the studio for the next 3 days.
This is the most underwhelming hatch day I've ever had. :confused: I usually wake up to at least a pip, but I got nothin'. No pips, no noise, no movement, nothing. I haven't given up on them yet. Just seriously underwhelmed.
I’m trying to stay chill about this week. Tomorrow is lockdown, but I will not expect chicks until ... TONIGHT!! :lau
I actually checked the eggs for pips.

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