@Akrnaf2 thank you for the welcome, it is nice to make your acquaintance as well!

@kwhites634 thanks! I should have clicked my heels together along time ago methinks! And oooooh how I agree with you about work.... I've got a few pictures I'll try to upload of the incubator. It's a salvage job so not real pretty but it's working so far!
Is the light string for the brooder idea in the notes?
What size/wattage?

Hello Dax

This is what I use. Huge disclaimer now on the box. Do not overlap rope light. Simple to keep it separated. This one is white. I prefer the blue or red ones.



This was their first night with it. 45* in the barn. Probably 70* in the box but the rope gets much warmer. Chicks will lay on it. I try and keep it buried as they will get stuck under it.


This is all the brooder is. Cardboard with a packing blanket as insulation, and dirt. Light on timer and rope light on all the time. Feeder cut into cardboard. If it was better insulated I'm sure the temperature would be higher inside.

@Akrnaf2 thank you for the welcome, it is nice to make your acquaintance as well!

@kwhites634 thanks! I should have clicked my heels together along time ago methinks! And oooooh how I agree with you about work.... I've got a few pictures I'll try to upload of the incubator. It's a salvage job so not real pretty but it's working so far!
I've not heard of a single chick complaining about how their birthplace looks.
Enya's still acting a bit funny today.
I've checked her over and was only able to find one small abrasion on her back, but something's still not right. :/

Maple's left foot is now bearing weight and does not seem to be infected or dying. I have noticed she seems to be getting a rather heavy case of lice coz she can't dustbathe, so I've gotta treat that too....

Chrissy's foot is still not infected.. Hoping it stays that way

This is my daughter's old toy chest that wasn't being used for anything other than some Legos, so I commandeered it. It keeps the inner workings safe from errant cats, dog, and crash-prone thunder-brawling offspring. I keep a wool blanket over top of the actual inner top of the bator to keep heat from escaping from the viewing windows.

Like I mentioned, she ain't pretty but she works! I salvaged a bunch of high grade foam from work (it's used to ship uber expensive refrigerated meds so I figured it'd hold heat in well, and it was totally free since they were going to throw it out) and used the plexiglass windows from my two old LG bators. The whole "lid" rests on top of a window screen to support it.

I lined the walls with more foam and caulked it in place. I used the egg turner from my old LG and used mason jars for heat sinks. I took an old lamp fixture and am using two 40watt bulbs with the fan taken from the old incubator and spliced everything to an extension cord. They are fed through a large hole that also is used for ventilation. I bought the thermostat from Home Depot because I was in a crunch for time (thanks to my darn chicken egg buying impulses..). It needed tweaking but is averaging 99f. And the pan of water that looks all funky is just sterile water with apparently funky pennies. I have a tube that feeds through the hole that I can add water to as needed.

This is my daughter's old toy chest that wasn't being used for anything other than some Legos, so I commandeered it. It keeps the inner workings safe from errant cats, dog, and crash-prone thunder-brawling offspring. I keep a wool blanket over top of the actual inner top of the bator to keep heat from escaping from the viewing windows.

Like I mentioned, she ain't pretty but she works! I salvaged a bunch of high grade foam from work (it's used to ship uber expensive refrigerated meds so I figured it'd hold heat in well, and it was totally free since they were going to throw it out) and used the plexiglass windows from my two old LG bators. The whole "lid" rests on top of a window screen to support it.

I lined the walls with more foam and caulked it in place. I used the egg turner from my old LG and used mason jars for heat sinks. I took an old lamp fixture and am using two 40watt bulbs with the fan taken from the old incubator and spliced everything to an extension cord. They are fed through a large hole that also is used for ventilation. I bought the thermostat from Home Depot because I was in a crunch for time (thanks to my darn chicken egg buying impulses..). It needed tweaking but is averaging 99f. And the pan of water that looks all funky is just sterile water with apparently funky pennies. I have a tube that feeds through the hole that I can add water to as needed.


This is my daughter's old toy chest that wasn't being used for anything other than some Legos, so I commandeered it. It keeps the inner workings safe from errant cats, dog, and crash-prone thunder-brawling offspring. I keep a wool blanket over top of the actual inner top of the bator to keep heat from escaping from the viewing windows.

Like I mentioned, she ain't pretty but she works! I salvaged a bunch of high grade foam from work (it's used to ship uber expensive refrigerated meds so I figured it'd hold heat in well, and it was totally free since they were going to throw it out) and used the plexiglass windows from my two old LG bators. The whole "lid" rests on top of a window screen to support it.

I lined the walls with more foam and caulked it in place. I used the egg turner from my old LG and used mason jars for heat sinks. I took an old lamp fixture and am using two 40watt bulbs with the fan taken from the old incubator and spliced everything to an extension cord. They are fed through a large hole that also is used for ventilation. I bought the thermostat from Home Depot because I was in a crunch for time (thanks to my darn chicken egg buying impulses..). It needed tweaking but is averaging 99f. And the pan of water that looks all funky is just sterile water with apparently funky pennies. I have a tube that feeds through the hole that I can add water to as needed.

Hi :frow
Looks cool.

Is there some ventilation in your set up?
Howdy all! Hope this gorgeous frosty (here, anyway) January day is treating everyone fabulously. @Sally Sunshine hi again!! I've been offline for a long time and then became a shameful BYC lurker, I'm afraid. I think work has officially fried my brain---I was recently possessed to build my own incubator. Only I ordered eggs before I was finished with the 'bator...I work better under pressure!
Thanks for tagging me! It's good to be back around folks of the same ilk again! Pretty much everyone I know thinks I'm batpoop crazy for hatching for V day while I think I'm batpoop crazy for waiting so long. ;-)
Nice to meet you!

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