Great idea! I need to go clean serama shed out, fun fun chat later!
Bye, Sally. Nice to see you!
We really do need a sleepy emoji...

what about these:

They're all sleeping under the MHP right now (esp. the recently hatched ones, who are out cold) - though some of the older ones love to stumble over to me when I go visit. Sweet friendly little things. Here are some more pics of the older ones:

My favorite two! What breed is the top chick?

Cute !
Last hatch OE Marans and Cuckoo marans OE blue Marans OE

Reminder I am getting tons of these eggs right now! and hens are under a BCM ROO

took these to post them for sale lol

Great photos!
  I give up!!! Lilttle Luke left the boy pheasant out!!!  now I have a lone female, little rats need total confinement good grief!!!  they are spastic more than ringnecks!   He was getting so beautiful too!!!! I thought MAYBE he would be around for his girl but nope he is gone!!!! 

Oh dang!
I had a female get out a few weeks ago.She was gone for a few days then the lgd found her and brought her back half dead. She is recovered now. Usually if they get out, I never see them again. I'll send you more eggs when they're laying if you want. :)
  I give up!!! Lilttle Luke left the boy pheasant out!!!  now I have a lone female, little rats need total confinement good grief!!!  they are spastic more than ringnecks!   He was getting so beautiful too!!!! I thought MAYBE he would be around for his girl but nope he is gone!!!! 

We have the opposite problem, our girl got out. :barnie

Thanks - I needed that!!!

Thanks MC
A nice cup of cocoa for my birthday


Quote: I love Bert. I have always loved Bert. I'm sure I will always love Bert (regardless of which Bert it is...)

Morning to those I missed.....

@Fire Ant Farm Bummer on the poor wiring. Not all DIY people do that stuff.. The key to DIY is knowing when you can't and it is beyond you. I even hired an electrician twice last year. I hardly ever hire anyone.

Do you have purple Crazy Ants down there? I was reading about them from a person on the meat bird thread. Makes me glad I live above the arctic circle. It keeps those nasty things in check. How many chicks are you up to this year?
Haven't heard of purple crazy ants, but we have lots and lots of different ants, and I have a few different varieties of fire ant just on my property (which is good, because that means the native ones, which aren't so bad, haven't been totally replaced by the invasive ones). Hence the BYC handle.

25 chicks hatched so far, 6 more going into lock down on Wednesday. But then two separate sets of 25 chicks each are coming in February (S&G Naked Necks from Dunlap, and Aloha Naked Necks from Alohachickens). LOTS of babies to raise... LOTS of building to do...

Just set the quail..... This'll be my first staggered hatch. Hope it works

Why? I know people all say this dislike it, I have never had a problem with it, so I am thinking I might not understand what it is.

Only works well if you hatch separately.

Quote: Quote:
Yes breaker worked for flashlight instance, but when the GFI outlet kept tripping occasionally few times a week and we just kept resetting it the breaker never tripped. Being the wire was loose in the breaker it was arking and heating up melted it back four inches. If it went much further it would have been melting on dry wood it's stapled to.

That's scary, Beercan! Yeah, when the electrician comes, I'm going to have him do a once over in the house - it'll likely be expensive, but I want to catch any surprises. It's unoccupied right now (except the babies and some storage), so except for fridges/freezers and the main overhead lights, I wouldn't know if a breaker had tripped repeatedly like you describe, since I don't test each outlet regularly.
Hey Penn. Yes got the lightbulbs. They are very bright (I got daylight white). Haven't switched them all over yet-waiting for Bill to have a day off since I am not allowed on a ladder
. Without the pool or air running last month our electric bill was a record high of $566
. And a lot of our stuff is propane! Hopefully next month we will see the difference..
When I was up in the attic, I discovered that the raccoons had completely severed the ductwork to part of the house (explaining why it got cold in there) - it's mild usually and I don't live over there so I hadn't noticed before. Heaven knows how much money's been going down the drain over that for how long. Gotta call HVAC on Monday in addition to getting the electrics looked at. When it rains, it pours...

I have found, and I know this is antidotal, the more feed you give them the more poop you make.

I think it is like vitamins in humans when you take more than you can use and the body can absorb you just pass it through.

To a certain degree CX are like that. They have such an unbelievable metabolism and make such good use of the feed they do not need as much as a person thinks. So a ton passes through.

Also with more feed you get so many ailments. However, I should note I do not try to get a meat bird in 6 weeks. I like to go longer for a bigger stronger bird that does not have that "mushy" texture a store bought one has.

I did the first batch I got like the "directions" say and was extremely displeased with them, dying weak birds I had to process at 42 days as they were dying of ascites, heart and kidney problems.
A lot of folks working on meat chickens, etc., start their chicks at high protein (22-26%). But the protein in most of the feeds one can buy commercially is vegetable protein anyway. So I went with 20% protein starter this time (which is actually what I used way back when the first set of NNs were chicks), and will supplement with eggs once or twice a week. Growth has been excellent, and the brooder is less stinky. More protein (esp protein they don't use) = more ammonia.

@TJChickens I give up!!! Lilttle Luke left the boy pheasant out!!! now I have a lone female, little rats need total confinement good grief!!! they are spastic more than ringnecks! He was getting so beautiful too!!!! I thought MAYBE he would be around for his girl but nope he is gone!!!!


When I moved in here the breakers were old so I had an electrician friend come over and replace the sub panel. There was an electric heater here which I replaced with a propane heater well the heat and air guy did. The breaker for the heater was a 70 amp Zinsco breaker when my friend showed me what was left of it we were both amazed the house didn't burn down. The plastic between the bars had melted out about the size of a silver dollar. There was nothing left protecting each leg of the breaker.

The core part of my house was built in 1931. Lots of old knob and tube wiring. It was NOT in good condition - had to be cut off and bypassed. Yikes!
Quote: Abdominal migraine is something that happens (esp. in kids), but it should NOT last 4 weeks straight (72 hours at a time), and it is only a diagnosis of exclusion - she needs that Peds GI specialist, I think. Even if it's not a GI problem, a good meds GI specialist would be familiar with other things that would look like it. Glad you're going on Tuesday.

Stop me if you've heard this:

Our first house was in Lake Hopatcong, NJ, about 1970. Small 2-story frame house, partial hand-dug cellar large enough for the hot water heater, small lot, decent garage, accessed by a dead end dirt road on top of what passes for a mountain in that part of the world.

First thing I noticed was the lack of corner molding on the paneled walls in the living room; just raw panel edges showing; no big deal.

Faucets hooked up backasward; hot on the right.

While drilling through the wall to install a dryer vent, the hole saw came to a screeching halt between the interior & exterior walls, tangled in a pair of work pants being used as insulation.

DW called me in a panic one night at work to tell me there was water coming out around the ceiling light in the LR. FIL (carpenter by trade) & I got up on the roof the following weekend & found the problem; some jack-leg DIY nut had put a new shingle roof on, and, apparently to save material, had nailed the overlapping shingles too far up the roof; every nail was exposed. A quart can of roof cement solved that problem.

Probably the same person had hung new gutter on the front, but hung it level; no slope to the downspout, which was clogged. Every time it rained hard for an extended period, water cascaded over the edge of the gutter. It was like living behind Niagara Falls.

I decided to plant some tomatoes up next to the foundation. As I was trying to break through the ground with a mattock, I spotted a freshly cut piece of electric cable a few inches under the surface. I wasn't surprised; I'd already found pieces of two commodes in the back yard. As I pulled on the end of the cable, it came through the surface ever closer to the detached garage, it was the power cable serving the garage, which had an electric garage door opener...naturally open.

Whenever DW ran the washer, a large puddle formed in the back yard. Figuring that shifting rock had worn a hole in the drain line, I commenced to dig. It wasn't long before I discovered a tape to the rescue. I wrapped the pipe in the area of the hole, and filled in the trench. Next time DW used the washer, the puddle puddle was back. I started all over & soon discovered that I was dealing with perforated pipe, which was heading in the direction of the adjoining empty lot, where it emptied onto the surface. I ultimately sunk a 50 gal. barrel in the ground, filled it with rock & pea gravel, & rerouted the drain line.

I finally reached the end of my patience & called the Municipal Building to find out who'd inspected the place. I was told that there was no kitchen in the house. According to the records, it was a Summer cottage (we were in a resort area, populated by weekend escapees from NYC, 40 miles away) & hadn't been inspected since being built.

There were probably more little surprises I'd have discovered had we stayed there much longer, but after a year & a half the FIL died of a heart attack & we moved back to MD to live with MIL for the next couple of years before finding this place, where we've lived ever since.
I think after they sold you that house they must have moved down here to do the renovations on mine... My instinct is to have the thing flattened and start over, but in reality if I get a good contractor and have a good plan, I may be able to use some of the shell. We'll see...

Last hatch OE Marans and Cuckoo marans OE blue Marans OE

Reminder I am getting tons of these eggs right now! and hens are under a BCM ROO

took these to post them for sale lol

SO cute!!!!!!!

Quote: Thanks!!!! Testing it now -

Bottom chick has a lot of brown to the black down, so I'm excited to see what that might mean when s/he feathers out.

OK, the top chick is complicated.

Mother is Arbequina, an Olive egger from Eight Acres. According to their website, this is how they construct their OEs: First cross was Blue or Black Copper Marans x Welsummer, then for F1 OE - the hens from this cross were bred to Wheaten Ameraucana rooster. Then for F2 OE THESE offspring (hens) were covered by a Splash Copper Marans Rooster (to darken the olive color). She lays the most GORGEOUS olive egg ever... (I can't find a solo photo, but you can see it on the egg skelter).

Father is Goodwin (of blessed memory), I got him as a "bonus" chick (she just had them on hand to work on a project and I had expressed interest in passing). He's a Lavender Ameraucana, but he has something else mixed in (you can tell by the way his chicks look, if he was pure, they'd all be black or blue). Of course, he was a bonus and there wasn't any guarantee of his purity (which was fine by me). When he was killed I wanted to be sure to get some of his babies with her.

Can't wait to see how they turn out!

OK, I need to go do chores and get some work done. Later, folks!!!

- Ant Farm

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