Gotta run
have a fantastic day sweets

Quote: im k
glad your great!
still hurting pain went from 5 half a day back up to 7 and 6 today.  Peds Gastro Specialist for her Tues. 

your not gonna believe this one, after sending a not so nice and demanding message to her family doc he replied he thinks its migraines and ordered her meds, sooooo these meds are prednisone 20 mg x2 day!  tell me a kid has same exact pain four weeks and its migraines?  yes she has tons of headaches right now but ugggggg  I responded not too nice and I got this.....

This could be the reason. Just as a migraine can last days or weeks daily. I also sent in an antibiotic just in case we are missing an infection. I would hope by Monday she is better or we may have to talk to Hershey about sending her back to the ER with the diagnosis of failed outpatient pain control.


:hugs :hugs

Hope it gets solved soon. Awful
That sounds a LOT like my house. Crazy crazy stuff. When I bought it, part of the purchase deal was $4000 to get the electricity up to code and safe (somebody - NOT an electrician - had been messing around with do-it-yourself stuff in the main box, including extra wires that made the inspector go white in the face, and there were power cords draped between structures). And for one of the side "add on" rooms they had a hard time getting adequate ventilation, so they just cut a hole IN THE SIDE OF THE HOUSE, and cemented a window-type air conditioner INTO THE WALL. I kid you not. Gives "do it yourself" a whole new meaning.

- Ant Farm
Stop me if you've heard this:

Our first house was in Lake Hopatcong, NJ, about 1970. Small 2-story frame house, partial hand-dug cellar large enough for the hot water heater, small lot, decent garage, accessed by a dead end dirt road on top of what passes for a mountain in that part of the world.

First thing I noticed was the lack of corner molding on the paneled walls in the living room; just raw panel edges showing; no big deal.

Faucets hooked up backasward; hot on the right.

While drilling through the wall to install a dryer vent, the hole saw came to a screeching halt between the interior & exterior walls, tangled in a pair of work pants being used as insulation.

DW called me in a panic one night at work to tell me there was water coming out around the ceiling light in the LR. FIL (carpenter by trade) & I got up on the roof the following weekend & found the problem; some jack-leg DIY nut had put a new shingle roof on, and, apparently to save material, had nailed the overlapping shingles too far up the roof; every nail was exposed. A quart can of roof cement solved that problem.

Probably the same person had hung new gutter on the front, but hung it level; no slope to the downspout, which was clogged. Every time it rained hard for an extended period, water cascaded over the edge of the gutter. It was like living behind Niagara Falls.

I decided to plant some tomatoes up next to the foundation. As I was trying to break through the ground with a mattock, I spotted a freshly cut piece of electric cable a few inches under the surface. I wasn't surprised; I'd already found pieces of two commodes in the back yard. As I pulled on the end of the cable, it came through the surface ever closer to the detached garage, it was the power cable serving the garage, which had an electric garage door opener...naturally open.

Whenever DW ran the washer, a large puddle formed in the back yard. Figuring that shifting rock had worn a hole in the drain line, I commenced to dig. It wasn't long before I discovered a tape to the rescue. I wrapped the pipe in the area of the hole, and filled in the trench. Next time DW used the washer, the puddle puddle was back. I started all over & soon discovered that I was dealing with perforated pipe, which was heading in the direction of the adjoining empty lot, where it emptied onto the surface. I ultimately sunk a 50 gal. barrel in the ground, filled it with rock & pea gravel, & rerouted the drain line.

I finally reached the end of my patience & called the Municipal Building to find out who'd inspected the place. I was told that there was no kitchen in the house. According to the records, it was a Summer cottage (we were in a resort area, populated by weekend escapees from NYC, 40 miles away) & hadn't been inspected since being built.

There were probably more little surprises I'd have discovered had we stayed there much longer, but after a year & a half the FIL died of a heart attack & we moved back to MD to live with MIL for the next couple of years before finding this place, where we've lived ever since.

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