@Fire Ant Farm I hope the bread goes well.

@duluthralphie I am so sorry about JJ. Do you have a good story or behavior that you could share?

@Akrnaf2Was my Gut Shabbat greeting wrong? Aside from my forgetting the date line and being a day late? Have a great day!

I am off to bed. I am nodding off as I type. Good night.
Hello all.

Sorry I was gone for a couple days, it has been busy here.  I have not read back and will not so every insult "certain Persons" threw my direction will go by me as complete misses.

I can see under my new hatching schedule Thursday will not be BYC days, Between Disinfecting eggs, and incubators, if I can get one empty to do it, setting eggs, candling eggs and moving chicks to brooders I just have no time for BYC.   I thought I had 26 dozen eggs to set, but upon candling I found a bunch with hairline cracks from freezing. 

I did not try to fix the eggs with anything. I just smashed them up shells and all, and fried them to feed back to the chickens.

My hatch this week was nerve wracking I only had one chick hatch on Thursday, 2 yesterday and the rest last night.  My hatch was a little over 22 days.  (this did not make my day less busy, I spend all day going back to check the hatch.)   

My incubator these eggs came out of is about half a degree high, it is a wafer one and I have problems hitting the 99.5 right on the nose. I thought the hatch would be a tad early. However, the hatcher has a GQF electronic thermostat that is extremely touchy and it is 3/4 of a degree low.  When I try to set it, it spikes to 101.5 or falls to 97.9.  ( for those of you living in the Vast Wastelands of the North that is F not C).

I guess the 3/4 degree low in the end trumps the high temps at the beginning.

   Those look like little yokohamas, You have any of them?

I don't have any of those. The hatchery they came from is Dunlap. I looked at the breeds they carry and I still don't know what kind of chick I have. Possibly a clean faced Americana. I'll post more pics as the feathers grow in. Thanks for the guesses
time will tell.
Thanks all.

I think it is too late to try anything, the WWD is just holding cold compresses to his head.

Benny he has lots of open wounds, he has scabs all over his head and snood.  They have been having turkey fights for weeks now, day in and day out.

His head is burning up.  I am not going to give the vancomycin, it is too late he is just lying their dying. I think as close to comatose as he is trying to get liquids into him would just make him uncomfortable and maybe make it worse.

Thanks all

So hard to lose them. Especially when there's a special bond. Keeping you in my thoughts. (hugs)
My daughters dog, doesn't hurt the chickens, but chases the chickens/turkeys.... my big male turkey's starting to get fed up with it. I'm going to have to get him a shock collar (the dog, not the turkey) to get him to stop before the turkey decides to stomp the little dog into the ground.

It all started when he played this chase game with my EE astrid. He'd chase Astrid, then Astrid would turn around and chase him back.... he thinks it's this great fun game... but astrid's the only chicken who liked playing it with him. He hasn't figured that out yet.

And, someone gave me a stomach flu thing, I feel like i'm going to die. My husband's on animal duty tonight. :( 

This chasing = high stress=hige cortisol level in the chicken = immunosuppression =disease outbreak =dead chicken = bad feelings!
[@=/u/372869/daxigait]@daxigait[/@] Duckling went from a miserable germ factory with a frog nebulizer Wednesday, to a happy little kid yesterday. From snot bubbles to soap bubbles!
So glad she's doing better!!! :clap
Yes, for bean roasting, that was what made me start looking (though I do have a plug in burner I suppose I could take outside). I would likely use brick - very simple design, non permanent. But have read about issues with safety of using concrete or red brick, so I've got on my "to do eventually" list to visit a building supply place here to get some fire bricks - will use those. Fire bricks are more expensive than regular (but I don't want exploding concrete or red brick in my yard), but it looks to be a good plan. I have an old asphalt pad under my red oak tree (where, long long ago, there was a carport), so I was going to put it on that.
I was going to suggest the firebrick. For the cost it's much better than losing a body part due to explosions. Will it get too hot for the asphalt? Too bad there's not a way to utilize the heat it gives off in say baking bread. Also the smoke will make for a good cup of coffee I'm told. That's why my friend tried BBQ just cooked them too long.
The bottom part of it will be on a base of firebrick, and I also have an old grill mat hanging around somewhere. I went down the rabbit hole on YouTube last night looking at rocket bread ovens and pizza ovens. There are a couple ways you can do it. But it's more work than I really want to put into it. I bake in a cast iron pot, though, so I might be able to improvise something with a platform, a deflector, and a dome of some sort. I've just got too much to do to play around with that at the moment. (The rocket stove on the other hand is literally stacking bricks and you're done.)
I'm watching Harry Potter movies tonight. I want a hippogriff. What do you think would be involved in hatching them - anyone tried before?
It's a Harry Potter character. He knows how to hatch dragon eggs, so I figure he knows hippogriffs. (Yeah, so, I'm a geek... :oops: )
I love those movies and books! I'm right there with you!
:D I like to put them on in the house and listen to them while puttering, one after the other - I know them so well I don't even have to watch...
well color me green with envy :hugs you are very sweet to think of everyone and check on everyone
Or yellow with pollen. Allergies have kicked in.
What a nice neighbor. You had hail, too?
About 2:00 am the other day yes. Small but loud storm past through quickly. Not unusual for us to get hail once and awhile just not large ones like back in Texas
Everything's bigger in Texas. Unfortunately. :/
Ralphie how do you disinfect your eggs? I'm sure you've told others before but I am trying new things here to improve my hatch rate. I had a ton of late hatchers which is rare with seramas. Had to cull one to deformity and 2 died. the rest seem healthy-have not even counted but around 15-20 I think between the 2 bators and the broody. I believe I have 5 sebastopol eggs too. Might have to set those but time it so Bill doesn't have to do anything when I'm in Lima.
Part of my problem is me. I set late in the day on Thursday thinking I will get Thursday evening/night hatches so the chicks are a day old on Saturday when I get rid of the majority of them. Now Disinfecting. I use 120 degree water out of the faucet. I have on a on demand hot water system so I can set the temps to whatever I want. I use 2 5 quart ice cream pails filled with 1 gallon of 120 degree water. I add 1 ounce 1/4 cup of bleach to the water. I rinse the eggs in running water, getting off the visible dirt without rubbing hard to push it into the egg. Then I dip in the first pail and wipe with a different rag while under running water. Then it goes into the second dip, a quick rinse in running water and I mean quick then into a drying rack. That is how the USDA Vet that inspects me wants it done, and I do what she says.
This is exactly what I did when I needed to wash the yolk off of my shipped eggs.
chicken Canoe this is for you!!
I did some reading about this - apparently there's some controversy about it not being very good for the bees... But I can't remember why at the moment.
C'mon, silly... You know that if I was Elsa, I'd have frozen Texas already. :lau
I am doing good, down pretty much off the pain meds, but still need backup at times. still cant eat but its doing what it needs to, heal sleep is getting mirserable uncomfy now not on pain meds, so I get up walk sit walk lay walk sit think of some wonderful foods I would love to eat right now
Gentle hugs and healing vibes for you, Sally. :hugs
LIZ! now Imma getting you and banti switched up ughhhh
Need to change my avy, I suppose
Again?! (sigh)
My new doe and I are headed home.
SHe's a sweetheart!!!
Help if you can.... I will have posted this a couple times. JJ seems to be dying. He is my oldest first pair of birds. Ethel was killed by a fur bearing critter, that I hope died a slow painful death.... I found JJ on the floor of the coop not moving. His head is swollen and he is very lethargic. He was in a Tom fight the other day. what Tom isn't this time of year. I told JJ he was too old for this kind of behavior. I am worried he has internal injuries in which case I can do nothing, or he has an infection from the head injuries. His head is swollen. I have some liquid Vancomycin here. I have calculated the dosage to .25 ml. Based on human dosages. I need to know if anyone knows if vancomycin is harmful to turkeys? If I do not get a definite answer I will be trying it, I am desperate. I know I am not clear headed when talking about JJ. He is like a feathered dog to me. Losing him would be devastating. The WWD is with him know. we set up a hospital room in the hallway for him. Thanks Think of JJ as my duck... I love him more than you duxers love your duxs!! Thanks
I am so very, very sorry - I remember you talking about JJ and how much you love him. :hugs
Ralphie, this is all I was able to find on vanco... It sounds like it won't kill them, you're just not supposed to use it? STRICTLY PROHIBITED -ILLEGAL TO USE [COLOR=FF0000]lifetime withdrawal [/COLOR] Sounds like if it's lifetime they have to be alive after use??? Fluoroquinolones (Baytril, Cipro, etc) Metronidazole (Flagyl) and other drugs in this family (Nitroimidazoles) Chloramphenicol Clenbuterol (ventipulmin) Diethylsilbesterol (DES) Glycopeptides (vancomycin,etc) Nitrofurans (Furazone, etc) Cephalosporins (excede, naxcel, etc) Antivirals
FWIW/future reference, the reason vancomycin is prohibited is for the protection of human health - so it's banned in any food animal/agricultural animal. (It's an important antibiotic for patients who have really serious infections, and if there is too much use of it int eh environment, more bugs get resistant to it and it'll stop working for people. I don't think it would hurt him, the prohibition is because of the human use of the antibiotic. (The entire problem with a group of very resistant bacteria arose entirely due to use of glycopeptides in agriculture in Europe in the 1980s...)
Thanks all. I think it is too late to try anything, the WWD is just holding cold compresses to his head. Benny he has lots of open wounds, he has scabs all over his head and snood. They have been having turkey fights for weeks now, day in and day out. His head is burning up. I am not going to give the vancomycin, it is too late he is just lying their dying. I think as close to comatose as he is trying to get liquids into him would just make him uncomfortable and maybe make it worse. Thanks all
Thinking of you - very very sorry. :hugs I'm inside taking a break and having a PB&J. I've been clearing parts of the yard for the new growout tractors, and taking out saplings, and hauling wood around, and having a very special personal relationship with my JawSaw and my wood chipper. But I'm rehydrated and the sandwich is consumed, so I'd better get back out there - I also have chicken chores to do before it gets dark. I'll be back later this evening. - Ant Farm
Keeping hives IS not good for the bee, ANY DOMESTICATION is bad for the animals! Making a bird that lay 30 eggs a year, lay 220-300 a year is good?
@Fire Ant Farm I hope the bread goes well.

@duluthralphie I am so sorry about JJ. Do you have a good story or behavior that you could share?

@Akrnaf2Was my Gut Shabbat greeting wrong? Aside from my forgetting the date line and being a day late? Have a great day!

I am off to bed. I am nodding off as I type. Good night.

Not at all! And I thanked you! :lol:
We say here" Shabat Shalom " a peaceful Shabat
Quote: Keeping hives IS not good for the bee, ANY DOMESTICATION is bad for the animals!
Making a bird that lay 30 eggs a year, lay 220-300 a year is good?
I mean worse than the regular way of keeping them, silly!!!

And here is a level headed summary of the drama from both sides:

(I don't keep bees because I have many bees of multiple types already living on my property taking care of pollination. So there!

- Ant Farm

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