Ticks are out already at your place? Yuck.

Hoping that letting my birds free range this year will keep ticks down... I don't like them creepy crawlies. Winter is nice in that way; no ticks.
Oh yes, they are out. We did not get any long enough cold spells without a warm day so they terrible. I new I would get some crawling around clearing fence. At least the nasty, itching, invisible chiggers are not out yet.
@campingshawsNice eggs. :frow

@shahtir101 I hope your hen recovers. I lost a young cockerel today. I had an old towel over mhp and somehow he got his head in the label that they used to see in corners. He towed it to the pop door, and somehow went off the ramp hanging himself. I had a terrible time getting the rest in at dusk after I removed him.
Sorry you lost your cock.

I'm sorry! That is horrible :(
Just checked the turkeys and they must not like there new roost. white Tom laying in the sand. Bronze hen and Tom standing in the doorway. I thought she was brooding today, but now the others bronze Tom is sleeping on her eggs...weridos


Were you the one that mentioned lemon slice for hard boiled eggs? Didn't have real lemon to slice but tried a couple tablespoons of lemon juice with a little salt on some week old eggs. Worked like a champ. I also put a small dent at the air cell side.
Got some plants in my garden. Nervous because I'm SO BAD at gardening. :hit

Any idea what this is?

A butterfly egg clutch.
He got layer crumble. He got to go outside in a run everyday and had grit avalible.
He seemed really healthy and I came down one morning and he was already stiffening. I was thinking it might be a possibility that seramas might have problems because of their small size :/

I forget if it was CC or Benny that mentioned excess calcium found in layer being a cause of sudden deaths in cocks...



No it wasn't me.
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