Set some quail eggs today. Built a new roost for the turkeys. I had the sawmill running today so cut some poplar and made a 6 foot sawhorse with a ramp for them to walk up on. The boys died eggs and fingers and table and floor and each other.
I forget if it was CC or Benny that mentioned excess calcium found in layer being a cause of sudden deaths in cocks...



I've heard of that. I'm wondering if that was a possible cause. A friend of mine also owned his sister who came from the same breeder. After an autopsy they found out she had tumors in her liver. It's possible he might've had tumors as well. Thanks for the help!
Dyed hona eggs:

Dyed regular eggs (some have undyed patches).

Banties I picked up from my friend down the road. Should be pullets, but that frizzle is iffy.


Mollie's duck hatched 15 babies! :th
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Just checked the turkeys and they must not like there new roost. white Tom laying in the sand. Bronze hen and Tom standing in the doorway. I thought she was brooding today, but now the others bronze Tom is sleeping on her eggs...weridos
@campingshawsNice eggs. :frow

@shahtir101 I hope your hen recovers. I lost a young cockerel today. I had an old towel over mhp and somehow he got his head in the label that they used to see in corners. He towed it to the pop door, and somehow went off the ramp hanging himself. I had a terrible time getting the rest in at dusk after I removed him.
Sorry you lost your cock.
@campingshawsNice eggs. :frow

@shahtir101 I hope your hen recovers. I lost a young cockerel today. I had an old towel over mhp and somehow he got his head in the label that they used to see in corners. He towed it to the pop door, and somehow went off the ramp hanging himself. I had a terrible time getting the rest in at dusk after I removed him.
Sorry you lost your cock.

Ticks are out already at your place? Yuck.

Hoping that letting my birds free range this year will keep ticks down... I don't like them creepy crawlies. Winter is nice in that way; no ticks.
@campingshawsNice eggs. :frow

@shahtir101 I hope your hen recovers. I lost a young cockerel today. I had an old towel over mhp and somehow he got his head in the label that they used to see in corners. He towed it to the pop door, and somehow went off the ramp hanging himself. I had a terrible time getting the rest in at dusk after I removed him.
Sorry you lost your cock.

Sorry about your rooster. I recently had one hang himself on the handle of a five gallon bucket. Still not sure how he managed that.

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